The first set of lines are called the principal meridians and run north and south. Adding that to the description results in a more specific parcel of land: The NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 18, Township 5 South, Range 4 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Missouri. The area includes sections (1 mile on each side), townships (6 miles on each side), and quadrangles (24 miles on each side). Pages 336 The townships are consecutively numbered by their location within the intersection of multiple range lines and township lines. Putting the above description into words is half of a quarter section. Longitude and latitude are imaginary lines that divide the earth through the north and south poles (longitude) and run parallel with the equator (latitude). Dont Miss: Small Business Loan Government Programs. Constructive Notice in Real Estate Overview & Law | What is Constructive Notice? Same as term government rectangular survey: Way in which the U.S. government uses to subdivide public land. Townships are then broken down into sections, which are 36 blocks, each being 1 square mile. The following is a list of helpful terms:\r\n
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