It features phonemic vowel length that came about as a coalescence of a vowel with a following /v/ (usually one /v x j/ in Serbian, the distribution is opaque and unpredictable) or the contraction of the sequence /ij/ into /i:/ this feature is shared with plenty of Macedonian dialects, as far as I remember but has traditional, harder Serbian alveopalatals and palatals, having [t d t d] for Macedonian [t d c() ()] (treating these as allophones as they seem to be the same four phonemes). It is just a dialect in east Slovakia that westernd Slovaks (and Czechs) find harder to understand but it is not like they would not understand a word. For instance, West Palesian is a transitional Belarussian dialect to Ukrainian. Ukrainian language, formerly called Ruthenian or Little Russian (now considered pejorative), Ukrainian Ukrans'ka mova, East Slavic language spoken in Ukraine and in Ukrainian communities in Kazakhstan, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, and Slovakia and by smaller numbers elsewhere. Hello Mr Lindsay, There can be various reasons for this. These three languages have an 86% lexical similarity; that is, they share 86% of the same words. Can a Russian speaker understand Polish? by Christine Ro. Balgarski is balgarskijat, grupa is grupata, oficialni is oficijalnijat etc. Silesian or Upper Silesian is also a separate language spoken in Poland, often thought to be halfway between Polish and Czech. The Chinese language, on the other hand, is comprised of a number of dialects that arent always mutually intelligible. Are Polish and Ukrainian mutually intelligible? Slobozhan Ukrainian speakers in this region find it easier to understand their Russian neighbors than the Upper DnistrianUkrainian spoken in the far west in the countryside around Lviv. Greg, Kaikavian is dialect of Slovenian language. But which languages in the world are actually closest to . In contrast, Filipovi is talking slowly, and although some words have a different stress than in Czech, I can identify them pretty well and hence listening to this guy is basically like reading a written text in Serbo-Croatian. Personal communication. akavski has considerably more italian influence, due to many of the people there speaking italian (vicinity to italy) and the presence of istriot language and the former presence of dalmatian language. Glad to hear you are steering clear of it. [youtube=]. These attacks killed over 200 people. A prima example of this is Russian where the 5% intelligibility could be pretty accurate in the case of a regular communication, because Russians have a very strong intonation, and they simply dont pronounce vowels properly. My gues. Serbo-Croatian speakers can often learn to understand Macedonian well after some exposure. do is the same verb (prim/pri/pri/primo/prite/pre vs. pravam/pravi/pravi/pravime/pravite/pravaat; as opposed to Serbian raditi) Score: 4.1/5 (68 votes) . Southern Slovak on the Hungarian border has a harder time understanding Polish because they do not hear it much. Can I communicate in Polish in Ukraine? - Ukraine Forum Russia Invades Ukraine pt XII | The Serbo-Croatian vocabulary in both Macedonian and Torlakian is very similar, stemming from the political changes of 1912; whereas these words have changed more in Bulgarian. But islanders more often say Mi povidamo na nau or domau. 5%? Often the two languages are genetically related, and they are likely to be similar to each other in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, or other features. Some say it is a part of Czech, but more likely it is a part of Polish like Silesian. While not usually considered mutually intelligible, theres also enough similarity between French and Italian that speakers of Portuguese may understand both of these languages. Subtitles are absurd when 99% of the audience can already understand whats going on. 60%? What percentage of Ukraine speaks Polish? If we follow this line of reasoning, it would be correct to conclude that English is highly intelligible to Serbian speakers because most Serbs speak English. For majority of the Shtokavian speakers thats just another language: different grammar, vocabulary, pronunciations, even sounds (Kai has at least 9 vowels while Shto Croatian only 5 for example). I am a native Macedonian and I totally dont agree with you. What is the most mutually intelligible Slavic language? Kids speak both languages, as well as English, fluently. Femke Swarte studied the mutual intelligibility of twenty Germanic language combinations. However, Chakavian magazines are published even today (Jembrigh 2014). There is much nonsense said about the mutual intelligibility of the various languages in the Slavic family. Macedonain and Serbo-Croatian being 25% inteligible is simply not true. Re: Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Mutual Intelligibility. I have had people give me personal estimates like 40%, 85%, 60-65%, 70%,10-15%, less than 1%, etc. 12 Dec 2016 #221. Could you please explain what you mean by language and intelligibility and hopefully remedy this failure of the original text? Then she asked me to go do something useful, so this is all I can contribute with. The biggest Slavic language by far is Russian, which has 154 million native speakers and over 258 million speakers in total. For Macedonian without knowledge of other Slavic languages is also difficult to understand all the words which come from Russian and which are not current in Macedonian. Russian is followed by Polish with over 40 million speakers, Ukrainian with 33 million and Czech with 13 million. The Polish and Ukrainian languages come from the same Slavic roots, but are not so close that they are mutually intelligible. Score: 4.1/5 (74 votes) . While Norway was under Danish rule, the Bokml written standard of Norwegian developed from Dano-Norwegian, a koin language that evolved among the urban elite in Norwegian cities during the later years of the union. In other cases, I had to rely on the context. The long war over the Ukrainian language - The Boston Globe How Similar are the Ukrainian and Russian Languages? - Give me a figure in % for the Rusyn if you would. Croatian (Stokavski): 98% Chakavian has a low mutual intelligibility with either, in part due to its large number of loanwords from Venetian. Intelligibility data for Saris Slovak and Ukrainian is not known. 15), Part II", "Intelligibility of standard German and Low German to speakers of Dutch", "Cross-Border Intelligibility on the Intelligibility of Low German among Speakers of Danish and Dutch", "Mutual intelligibility of Dutch-German cognates by humans and computers", "Morpho-syntax of mutual intelligibility in the Turkic languages of Central Asia - Surrey Morphology Group", "Kirundi language, alphabet and pronunciation", "Tokelauan Language Information & Resources", "Majlis Bahasa Brunei Darussalam Indonesia Malaysia (MABBIM)", "Indonesian-Malay mutual intelligibility? In this case, another criteria I would also consider is how hard or easy it is for a Serb to start understanding Macedonian. You must namely take into consideration that the mutual understanding depends on many things if you are LISTENING or READING, WHAT are people talking about, HOW FAST they are speaking, and even WHO is speaking. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. For me personally, Serbian is very interesting, because it sounds like Macedonian, but a bit different because of the declensions. Mutual intelligibility mostly applies to the educated, standardized forms of these languages, not to the various sub-standard dialects. I am not saying this to slam Ukrainians, but just an observation. A Moravian Czech speaker (Eastern Czech) and a Bratislavan Slovak (Western Slovak) speaker understand each other very well. In the present study we tested the level of mutual intelligibility between three West Slavic (Czech, Slovak and Polish) and three South Slavic languages (Croatian, Slovene and Bulgarian). I admit that my prehistoric learning of Russian (1985-1990) made it easier for me to guess the meaning of words izpolzovana a saestvuvat (which have the same meaning in Russian), but I think that I could guess it even from the context. Also sorry for my English. I am really sorry, but if you are speaking about science, you cannot just say. Basically, when you are listening to Bulgarians, you only hear an incomprehensible row of ta-jat-to-ta-jat-ta-to-ta. What language is closest to Polish? Because they use different alphabets, German and Yiddish are only mutually intelligible when spoken. I can illustrate it on the video posted above Vojnata vo Bosna. Pure Silesian appears to be a dying language. Jeff Lindsay estimates that Russian has 85% intelligibility with Rusyn (which has a small number of speakers in Central and Eastern Europe). It exists in differing degrees among many related or geographically proximate languages of the world, often in the context of a dialect continuum. 1. I have friends from Bulgaria and I can tell you that they have problems by understanding some things. Finally, understanding mutual intelligibility gives you helpful insight into the history of a language. "The Linguistic Innovation Emerging From Rohingya Refugees." The results: Intelligibility testing between East and West Slovak would seem to be in order. As for mutual intelligibility, learned exposure aside, Ive never had much of a fun time in any area of western or northern Serbia that wasnt Belgrade; my lack of a pitch accent system (where Serbian has four accents, Ni has independent accent and length that seldom coincide with the norm); I cannot for the life of me make sense of umadija or Vojvodina Serbian (these are considered the normative core of Serbian) without resorting to asking the other party to slow down and having myself talk slower. Slovak: 20% I always aske her about whether she understands Bulgarian and Serbian and she claims Serbian is way closer to her language rather than Bulgarian. Slovenian while it sounds slavic to me is not intelligible at all save for a few words here and there. Here are three critical ways in which Bulgarian and Russian speakers differ. English professor. This is a political point, of course. Answer (1 of 16): I'm neither Polish nor Ukrainian but I know Polish to a good level and basic Ukrainian; I can comment on the understandability of Ukrainian for Poles. The languages really split about 1,000 years ago, but written Slovak was based on written Czech, and there was a lot of interlingual communication. Classifications may also shift for reasons external to the languages themselves. Robert Lindsay, Independent Journalist: l Talk about Things You're Not Supposed to Talk About. Or maybe you are just a gatekeeper. I grew up as a Ukrainian speaker in North America. He gave me the 25% figure. Do you speak Boyko or Hutsul? In brief, there is some mutual intelligibility, enough to have a simple conversation of the 'me Tarzan - you Jane' type, speakin. 99% of people in Ukraine are bilinguals who essentially speak and learn both Russian and Ukrainian from birth (although depending on the region, ones prevailence over the other varies). Serbians and Bosnians not so such. | Animals | Slavic Languages Comparison The Best Online German Learning Resources Ukrainian phrases Ukrainian Phrasebook And Dictionary Paperback Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher. I must admit that knowing English, German and French also helped me since Polish readily uses borrowings from these languages where Russian prefers Slavic words. December 2014. In akavian they are once more old slavic. Then tokavian person reaction would be: What? I am a good control for this because I am an American but my father is Slovak(my mother is half Slovak but American) and I can understand about 50 % of Slovak and I do have a hard time with Czech but once I get past their hacek r I can understand quite a bit. In the case of transparently cognate languages officially recognized as distinct such as Spanish and Italian, mutual intelligibility is in principle and in practice not binary (simply yes or no), but occurs in varying degrees, subject to numerous variables specific to individual speakers in the context of the communication. Some famous linguists who are acquaintances of mine (they have Wikipedia pages) told me that they thought that 90% was a good metric. He alleges that Sheikh later double-crossed British intelligence. Toj e oficialnijat ezik na Republika Balgarija i edin iz 23-te oficialni ezika na Evropejskija sajuz. Czech-Slovak languages - Wikipedia How can you mesure intelligibility by using one single person. Russian 20 % spoken, 30 % written The latter is heavily mixed with Shtokavian. Mutual intelligibility between West and South Slavic languages The key problem of Bulgarian is the different gramar the lack of declination and the use of postpositive articles. Macedonian I can understand better, and Im going to say that my comprehension of it used to lie somewhere between 90 and 95%, and Im going to cite 98% for my present knowledge theres a lot of technical vocabulary that takes a while to grasp, and a few words that I cant make sense of no matter how hard I try, but most of the differences are more marginal than between standard Serbian and Macedonian: Yulia Skadchenko on LinkedIn: #litranslators #russiantranslator # An academic paper has been published making the case for a separate Balachka language. Macedonian syntax and lexics are more similar to Serbian, even though structures of the language such as articles (no declensions) function as in Bulgarian. I think it was mostly due to a learning few high frequency Polish words that are difficult for a Russian native speaker to understand. However, the Croatian macrolanguage has strange lects that Standard Croatian (tokavian) cannot understand. The claim for separate languages is based more on politics than on linguistic science. Intelligibility between languages can be asymmetric, with speakers of one understanding more of the other than speakers of the other understanding the first. Speaking of myself, after calculating everything, I can understand to specific degree Slovene, somewhat Slovak/Russian, Serbo-Croatian std without problems and also Macedonians. The grammars of sign languages do not usually resemble those of spoken languages used in the same geographical area; in fact, in terms of syntax, ASL shares more with spoken Japanese than it does with English. Clearly it WAS the Illuminati at workI guess the planes were flown by shapeshifting lizards, toooh, come to think of it, isnt George Bush Junior a lizard, too! Slovenians have a very hard time understanding Poles and Czechs and vice versa. Ukrainian or Russian?: Language gets political in Ukraine Swarte will be awarded a PhD by the University of Groningen on 3 March. About the mistakes . Although different writing systems are used, there are many similarities in the grammar used, such as Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian. It shows that Macedonians indeed grew up to certain extent as bilingual Macedonian-Serbian. So here you have a case, when I could not understand everything, but I could grasp the meaning (at least). I would hazzard to say that Polish and Czech languages are at minimum 50% Intelligible and comprehensible between Poles and Czechs (when spoken with normal pace ) and at least 60-70% . Three different methods were used: a word translation task, a cloze test and a picture task. Briefly put, mutual intelligibility is when speakers of one language can understand a related language to some degree. This is simply not the case. Thats why in the Czechoslovak army the rule was: speak your own language, understand both. The world's most difficult languages to learn But, as the goal of the OP was to debunk the myth that says every slavic speaker can understand each other, he is quite right on that. From his own words it is possible to conclude that mutual inteligibility between czech and slovak is very high, and Ive heard from young czechs that they still can understand slovak with no effort. But they would learn it quickly if they cared. Reading a Bulgarian text is not like reading an ordinary book in Czech, it would cost my brain much more kilojoules (but maybe mainly due to the monotonous Cyrilic script), but it is possible. I can understand quite a bit of basic polish when it is spoken on the street, but their pronunciation is so weird its hard to notice sometimes. Grammar, on the other hand, is a different matter altogether. In addition, a Net search was done of forums where speakers of Slavic languages were discussing how much of other Slavic languages they understand. Polish Language Overview, Structure & Facts | What is Polski? The old Dniestrian/Galician speech is largely confined to rural areas. However, you do say later in the text that As soon as one gets even a very moderate amount of exposure, comprehension improves, even between such geographically distant languages as Polish and Serbian I remember staying in Montenegro and a Pole buying bread and a Montenegrin could still communicate with each other speaking at a slow-enough pace. According to former Pakistani President Musharraf Omar Sheikh who wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta was recruited during the 90s by British intelligence. Those 12% in Polish are very dubious as well. Serbs did not have the same language contact with the Macedonian language as Macedonians with Serbocroatian did. Its vocabulary and grammar has enough similarities for Poles, Ukrainians and Belarusians to understand each other well, whereas Russians understand only will recognise separate words. Traditionally, dialects are regional variations of one main language. Thanks for the information about Eastern Slovak I will incorporate it. He conducts his interviews in Macedonian, and as you can watch , his guests, be they bulgarians, serbs, bosnians, croats have no trouble understanding his questions. On the other side, i.e. between Ni Torlak and Macedonian than between either of those two and Serbian It is quite true that Macedonian speakers (even today) are switching to Serbian (although there is a resistence among some speakers of Macdonian) on informal situations. Hence, many religious books were imported from Russia, and these books influenced Bulgarian. Ukrainian 15 % spoken, 25 % written It may have been split from Polish for up to 800 years, where it underwent heavy German influence. All foreign movies in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia are translated into Czech, not Slovak. How come you have not done a post about 9/11 before Robert? (Download). Below is an incomplete list of fully and partially mutually intelligible languages, that are so similar that they are sometimes considered not to be separate, but merely varieties of the same language. Czech and Polish are incomprehensible to Serbo-Croatian speakers (Czech 10%, Polish 5%), but Serbo-Croatian has some limited comprehension of Slovak, on the order of 25%. There are many differences between Bulgarian and Russian speakers. My email is on the Contact page. Czech: 10% Upper Dnistrian is influenced by German and Polish. & relat.)) I have the hardest time to understand anything of Bulgarian, it sounds really fast and choppy but similar to Russian sometimes. It was probably in the same ballpark as Polish for me. Chakavian actually has a written heritage, but it was mostly written down long ago. Even little kids who watch the show understand. But the language isnt problem. Spoken Bulgarian is very difficult to understand for other Slavs due to phonology and unique syllable stress. The Polish langauge uses the Latin script, while the Ukrainian is written in Cyrillic. adrian. And yes, comprehension has suffered since Czechoslovakia broke up, due to lack of exposure. In writing, German is also somewhat mutually intelligible with Dutch. No idea, but if they are fairly intelligent as she sounds like she is, you might be shocked at how she might be able to rattle off some estimated figures like that. If I tell them few sentences (phrases) in Boyko dialect, then Russians wont be able to understand at all. [2], Sign languages are not universal and are usually not mutually intelligible,[3] although there are also similarities among different sign languages. However, leaving aside Kajkavian speakers, Croatians have poor intelligibility of Slovenian. Both me and her had a much easier time following the Rusyn dialects than standard Ukrainian (although they were by no means completely comprehensible). Some do in fact argue that Ukrainian shouldn't be considered as an East-Slavic language at all, being that it has more in common with West-Slavic languages such as Polish, Czech and Slovak than it . Anti-Ethnic Sentiments but the two languages are more different than some people think. Are Russian and Ukrainian mutually intelligible? - Quora Some islanders go even further than that and don`t consider themselves ethnic Croats. @AJ Nevertheless, writing continues in various Kajkavian dialects which still retain some connection to the old literary language, although some of the lexicon and grammar are going out (Jembrigh 2014). Czech has 94% intelligibility of Slovak, 12% of Polish, and 5% of Russian and Bulgarian. Yet some say that the subtitles are simply put on as a political move due to Ukraines puristic language policy. To some extent, Russian, Rusyn, Ukrainian, and Belarusian retain a degree of mutual intelligibility. Around year 550 Slovenians went west and Macedonians/Bulgars went south. Nevertheless, although intelligibility with Slovenian is high, Kajkavian lacks full intelligibility with Slovenian. In this week's Slavic languages comparison, we talk about animals in Polish and Ukrainian. Ukrainians seems closer to Slovak than Russian but some words in Russian are almost exactly the same in Slovak but in Ukranian they are completely different. Nevertheless, Bulgarian-Russian intelligibility seems much exaggerated. Slovenian language might be closer to the Macedonian/Bulgarian than to the Serbian language. I myself who have learned some Macedonian, pick up much more words from spoken Serbo-Croatian than spoken Bulgarian.
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