2 Timothy 3 Commentary - John Gill's Exposition of the Bible God had made Jesus to be Lord and Christ, preached Peter on that day of power, when as yet much lay hid, and the great instrument of the revelation of the mystery was still shrouded in the darkness of midnight. Now you get out your, you know, your green and blue pens and for the inspired ones, we'll underline those with blue and we'll use red, maybe, to underline those that are not inspired, you know and, and so here I am, I'm the authority.Well, the next liberal comes along and he says, Well, no, no, no, he was wrong on that one. And may not their freedom from it prove that they have surrendered the principles of their religion, where they should have stood firm, though the world were arrayed against them? Accordingly, in much grief of heart, the apostle writes to his tried and trembling child in the faith, and seeks to strengthen him, above all things not to be discouraged, and to make up his mind to endure hard things. "Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia. Paul completes the story of the things in which Timothy has shared, and must share, with him, by speaking of the experiences of an apostle; and he prefaces that list of experiences by setting down the quality of endurance. 3:10-13 But you have been my disciple in my teaching, my training, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my endurance, my persecutions, my sufferings, in what happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, in the persecutions which I underwent; and the Lord rescued me from them all. So he's referring to the Old Testament Scriptures, those which Timothy knew from the child and he called them the "holy scriptures," which they are, "and they are able to make you wise unto salvation through the faith which is in Christ Jesus." There was no longer the freshness of a new thing; and where the heart was not kept up in communion with the Lord, the value of divine things was less felt, if it did not quite fade away. Look at the rapid deterioration of our society. To the Greek it was anosios ( G462) to refuse burial to the dead; it was anosios ( G462) for a brother to marry a sister, or a son a mother. It would not be accordant with the mind of God. Christianity changed all that and a new set of problems arose. ", The Lord said it's "what comes out of the mouth of a man, that defiles a man" ( Matthew 15:11 ). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. Anosios does not so much mean that men will break the written laws; it means that they will offend against the unwritten laws which are part and parcel of the essence of life. That persecution which will properly furnish any evidence that we are the friends of Christ, must be only that which is for righteousness sake Matthew 5:10, and must be brought upon us in an honest effort to obey the commands of God. Then are we Christ's disciples indeed, John 8:31. "Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry." This I cannot but consider as a proof of want of faith. I can base my beliefs upon what God has said because it is indeed God's word.I have great difficulty with these people who develop doctrines that are contrary to what Jesus said, as though they understand more than Jesus about what's happening in the future. Paul goes on to list the things in which Timothy has been his disciple; and the interest of that list is that it consists of the strands out of which the life and work of an apostle are woven. There is faith, complete belief that God's commands are binding and that his promises are true. Even a dog may be sorry when he has hurt his master, but there are people who, in their treatment of others, can be lost to human sympathy and feeling. Thou hast fully known my afflictions. 2 Timothy 3:12 New International Version 12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, Read full chapter 2 Timothy 3:12 in all English translations 2 Timothy 2 2 Timothy 4 New International Version (NIV) What does 2 Timothy 3:13 mean? | BibleRef.com "Every scripture" for this is the proper force of the passage "Every scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.". He read them and never rested until he obtained the rest of the Bible. Resurrection is the form and character of the lowest blessings of which Jesus is the dispenser; much more is He risen to exalt God in the highest. (1) it teaches the only way to the Father is through Jesus; (2) it teaches a morality (a way of life) unpopular with the world; (3) it teaches a miraculous creation, a miraculous end; and a miraculous Savior who was resurrected; (4), Why does the world hate Christians? my doctrine, and my manner of life, my purpose, my faith, my longsuffering, my love, and my patience, [you know the] persecutions, and the afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, and Iconium, and Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me ( 2 Timothy 3:10-11 ). Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary. Now, there's nothing wrong with enjoying life. When children are disobedient to their parents, and break through the obligations which they lie under to them both in duty and gratitude, and frequently in interest, having their dependence upon them and their expectation from them, they make the times perilous; for what wickedness will those stick at who will be abusive to their own parents and It describes, not the spirit which accepts life, but the spirit which masters it. If what be claims for scripture is true of the Old Testament, how much truer it is of the still more precious words of the New. The one was suited to upset the young, the other to beguile the old. Don't expect the world to admire your godly stance. And Jesus himself had said: "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake" ( Matthew 5:10). It was the glory of the Jews that their children from their earliest days were trained in the law. And that is precisely what Christianity demands that a man should do. Persecution is Every Christian's Lot - 2 Timothy 3:12 Not so the apostle Paul. Do you have a hard time accepting that man can build a great fish that can swallow men and keep them under water for several days and deposit them later at a port?Hey, hey, wait a minute then. Note, Those are wise indeed who are wise to salvation. (1) that they who make a profession of religion, should come prepared to be persecuted. 10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 2 Timothy 3 - But understand this, that in the last days there will The apostle's life was very exemplary for three things: for his doctrine, which was according to the will of God; for his life, which was agreeable to his doctrine; and for his persecutions and sufferings. shall suffer persecution; it is the will of God, and the appointment of heaven; Christ has foretold it, that so it shall be; and he the head has suffered it himself, and it is necessary that his members should, that they may be conformed unto him; it is the way Christ himself went to glory, and through many tribulations his people must enter the kingdom; and this is the common lot and certain case of all the saints, in one shape or another; for though all do not suffer confiscation of goods, beating, scourging, imprisonment, or a violent death; yet all are more or less afflicted and distressed by wicked men, and are subject to their reproaches and revilings, which are a branch of persecution; and that for professing Christ, and living a godly life in him and under his influence: and since such suffer as Christians, and not as evildoers; and this is the common condition of the people of God, in this world, it should not be thought strange, but be cheerfully endured; to encourage to which is the apostle's view in this passage. Timothy had been schooled in the Scriptures from his early youth by his mother and grandmother, and so as Paul began to, with the Scriptures, prove that Jesus was the Messiah, with Timothy's background, he could see the truth of it. How are we to walk so as to please the Lord when disorder reigns, claiming to be the only true order? Abandoned by virtually all of those close to him for fear of persecution (cf. They should remember that, in this respect, they are treated as the Master was, and are in the goodly company of the prophets, apostles, and martyrs; for they were all persecuted. 3:8-9 In the same way as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these also oppose the truth, men whose minds are corrupt, and whose faith is counterfeit. A word altogether unbecoming in one mouth might be most proper in another. In the former epistle, Timothy was told how to behave in the house of God, as yet in order; but now we are told how to behave in such a state of things as the present disorder. There were false teachers who were quick to take advantage of that. With his or her commitment to follow Christ faithfully the Christian sets the course of his or her life directly opposite to the course of the world system. "To Timothy, my dearly-beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. And he was probably in the company of those that were standing around, sort of crying, as they saw Paul's limp body on the ground. If they had been more faithful, and more like their Master, would they have always escaped? So you have to be careful when you start chipping it away at one side because the whole thing will come down on you. Ephesus was called "The Treasure-house of the ancient world," "The Vanity Fair of Asia Minor." "I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. Barnes' Notes. A man may embrace some absurd opinion, and call it religion; he may adopt some mode of dress irresistibly ludicrous, from the mere love of singularity, and may call it conscience; or he may be boorish in his manners, and uncivil in his deportment, outraging all the laws of social life, and may call this deadness to the world; and for these, and similar things, he may be contemned, ridiculed, and despised. Thayer, Joseph H. Thayers Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. As individuals, we should sometimes ask ourselves: what is our aim in life? And in the end they shall perish together with them." And indeed the world easily wears that mask of religion which depends on itself; but the piety which flourishes directly from, is very hateful, as it was to the old Jews, so to the modern Christians, who are without any token of good, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. 10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. Or are you going to develop a doctrine that is diametrically opposed to what Jesus said? Given the right conditions, such oppositions would be just as deadly as the great Roman persecutions. Timothy fully knew what was the great thing that Paul had in view, both in his preaching and in his conversation: "Thou hast known my purpose, what I drive at, how far it is from any worldly, carnal, secular design, and how sincerely I aim at the glory of God and the good of the souls of men." In vain shall we endeavor to detach Christ from his cross; for it may be said to be natural that the world should hate Christ even in his members. Compare the catalogue, Ro 1:29, &c., where much the same sins are attributed to heathen men; it shall be a relapse into virtual heathendom, with all its beast-like propensities, whence the symbol of it is "a beast" (Re 13:1, 11, 12, &c.; 17:3, 8, 11). Look what they did to Jesus, and Jesus said, "If they persecuted me, they're going to persecute you" ( John 15:20 ). We usually try to avoid it on Friday evening if we can, but sometimes our schedules are such that we just don't have time to. i. He had not said a word about them before. Deliberately he lit it. Only here and Titus 2:12. So the Greek word that is used here to describe these that are going around, leading captive the silly women, is the same Greek word that was used to describe quackery, and that's probably they're quacks, Paul is saying. Had the Lord Jesus not sent him? "If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.". 3. This is a very striking word. The word is huperephanos ( G5244) . First and foremost he has an aim in life. There are those who shrink from helping on others in order to the work and doctrine of the Lord. This was to touch the right chord in his heart. And so Paul, you know, how I've lived; my faith, my longsuffering, my love, my patience, and the persecutions and afflictions that came to me. This shows in a clearer light the difference between the true teacher and the false. If your God is big enough to create the heavens and the earth, no problem, but you see, we stumble on the very first verse. It is a great happiness to know the holy scriptures from our childhood; and children should betimes get the knowledge of the scriptures. Even an unbeliever is acting unfairly unless he tries to read it. 2 Timothy 3:12-13 Commentary | Precept Austin It is derived from two Greek words which mean to show oneself above. III. But you see, if you start whacking away at the story of Jonah, and say, oh, I can't really buy that. You've made a covenant and there are so many broken covenants. Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of being one with Christ, positioned in Him, and clothed in His righteousness. They worship self instead of God. In the Jewish pictures of these last terrible times we get exactly the same kind of picture as we get here. And my full doctrinal concepts are premised upon the scriptures. The Holy Spirit would make it to be most practical and precious. Even if we look at Him so, He was raised from the dead. Godly = adv. And that quality of conquering endurance is necessary, because persecution is an essential part of the experience of an apostle. All who will show their religion in their conversation, who will not only be godly, but live godly, let them expect persecution, especially when they are resolute in it. Certain of the temporary persecution, he is equally certain of the ultimate glory. Rather they are minimum requirements that otherwise suitable people must fulfil if the church is to recognize them as elders or deacons. Aspondos ( G786) can mean two things. It was a part of his lot. ", and [as such they are] profitable ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ). The latter gains a following only by turning away from the truth of God (13). It is not a question here about elders, but what would abide all the same when elders could not be duly appointed. By this general statement, therefore, Paul classes himself with the children of God, and, at the same time, exhorts all the children of God to prepare for enduring persecutions; for, if this condition is laid down for all who wish to live a godly life in Christ, they who wish to be exempt from persecutions must necessarily renounce Christ. (3) If we are persecuted, we should carefully inquire, before we avail ourselves of this consolation, whether we are persecuted because we live godly in Christ Jesus, or for some other reason. That the man of God may be perfect,2 Timothy 3:17; 2 Timothy 3:17. In the last days there would come times which would menace the very existence of the Christian Church and of goodness itself, a kind of last tremendous assault of evil before its final defeat.
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