That was 25 years ago. Montana, Idaho and WY wolves have proven to make the issue of elk harboring even worse. This prime estate has been family owned for 5 generations and is some of the most superior and exclusive hunting land in the western United States. Could wipe out a lot of animals. What the ranchers and outfitters need to know is, we see through you right through you and you probably wont find much sympathy here. LOWER THE LICENSE FEES FOR TWO YEARS AND OPEN UP LANDS TO RESPONSIBLE HUNTERS FOR STATE AND PUBLIC FEDERAL OWNERS OF LAND HUNTS. Lots of misconceptions in these comments: Now there are too many to count hundreds, sometimes thousands of animals dwell on the Grant familys Turtle Rock Ranch every day. Timberline Price List - TIMBERLINE - WYOMING BIG GAME HUNTING Since 1993, Jeff and Deb have been Outfitting full-time. Im not a resident of Wyoming but my boys and I would love to hunt elk there. Have a special hunt and invite people from around the whole country to cull out the heard. This Laramie elk herd matter is a PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHT issue above all else and the private landowners do control access to THEIR PRIVATE LAND they also have the right to control how their PRIVATE LAND is grazed and to control predators on their land. Wagonhound Outfitters has over 300,000 acres of prime wilderness, pristine habitat for a wide assortment of trophy animals, including herds of elk, antelope, and mule deer. Wyoming Hunting Packages | Spearhead Ranch Wagonhound Outfitters | Elk, Deer and Antelope Hunts in Wyoming A cardinal rule of landscape scale ecology is every herbivore needs a complement carnivore(s). Our Location - RED HILLS RANCH PAINTS. Solitude Ranch & Outfitters, LLC - Devils Tower Country Its really pretty simple! No success. Dont pay them damages unless they let people hunt at no charge! It is happening in the Shirley Mountains as well. There, thatll fix it. It cant be both. What would you estimate the cost of an easement on an infinitely small piece of private land between two public sections? I have hunted in Wyoming a couple of times. This is a limited quota draw hunt in area 62-5, 63-6 . Wagonhound is a premier outfitter located in the famous elk area 7. We have averaged 95% kills and 99% shot opportunities on antelope bucks since 2009. 100,000+ acre private Wyoming Ranch. We are best known for being home to some of the best elk hunting in North America. They see the fee that I feel is realistic to charge and they go, Oh, geez, that must not be a good product, so they go to Dax, Grant said. Send some to Yellowstone, the wolves have eaten most of that population. But interwoven are traditional cattle ranches, mega ranches sprawling out over as many as hundreds of thousands of acres and properties that are bought and held mostly so they can be hunted for a couple weeks a year. We have a passion for people, wildlife, hard work and preserving our heritage of hunting for future generations. Durham Ranch is rated one of the best ranches in the United. Access is miserable, Adam Teten, a member of the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce, said during a March public meeting. Way to many elk. With a secluded location, guests can shake off the stressors of daily life as they improve their mental and physical health. What would be the issue to relocate two or three thousand elk to areas like the Fremont Winema forest and the Craterlake National Park. All data is private and will not be shared with third parties. The cattle introduced brucellosis to the wild ungulates. I live in northern Colorado and they have been spotted in Larimer and Jackson Counties. Lets see, the public land welfare rancher grazes his cattle for pennies where the elk should be, so elk then end up on the private land. Goodreads Choice Award. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Durham Ranch Trophy Bison Hunt full-package includes lodging on the ranch at the Rock House. Why are they having an open season on wolves? Recommendations that emerged from the task force in the first year changed state law, granting Wyoming residents a higher percentage of moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, bison and grizzly bear hunting licenses. Whenever were ready to have this discussion, look me up. We offer elite, trophy outfitted hunts for elk, whitetail and mule deer, antelope, black bear, and waterfowl on 300,000 acres in the heart of the Laramie Mountain range. I think the Elk and the wolves are inseparable. Donate today to help keep Wyoming empowered and informed. An area I used to hunt was burned 30 +/- years ago and the number of elk in the area grew exponentially. Many of the hunts were free of charge, especially for the non-trophies, McCarty said. Love to go back again. Indepth News about Wyoming People, Places & Policy. Together, Jeff and Deb started Seven J Outfitters. I am now 73, good health. We rely on readers like you to keep our reporters in the field unearthing the stories that matter to you. It doesnt make sense. These hunts are done on private ranches with great antelope populations. Not nature. Game and Fish once gave the operation mountain lion skins to drape over fencelines in hopes of triggering the prey species natural aversion to the predators scent. Elk: Hunt Area 53 - limited quota area Deer: Region F; Hunt Area 111 - general tag Big Horn Sheep - Ram: Hunt Area 2 Full Service Guided Hunt - Lodge. Wagonhound Outfitting consists of 300,000 acres in the famous elk area 7. Of course all this has to be approved by legislation. Everything is great until someone or something destroys your livelihood. If the weather cooperates, these hunts can be the best Wyoming has . The Cross C Ranch is a family owned and operated outfit. The elk need to be treated with respect and taken humanly as possible. I was born in Colorado and have hunted for 54 years. Boo Hoo. Hunters will apply for controlled hunt #137 for their 1st choice and for hunt #137 Landowner Preference Tag under their 6th choice. Though anymore, people do not want to hunt areas that cannot be accessed with a ATV or UTV. The area has over 2 million acres not including Craterlake National Park and the Klamath Wildlife Refuge which currently is being used for cattle grazing which in my opinion is not right. (307) 358-9828 Phone. Problem is the expense. WY has a great start with Access YES! We will spend one day setting up the camp and showing you . I really liked Rob Dickersons comment. Along with a few of my friends..but its hard to apply for the license, cause its so close the first of the year.. we all just got done spending too much on Christmas stuff.. put the app. Starting immediately, ban outfitting and no more wildlife deprivation checks. We manage our herd by offering management hunts to continually improve genetics resulting in wide, deep-forked mule deer and whitetail deer bucks. Gaining access to private land became more difficult as the guided/outfitted private hunts took over. This site, like many others, uses cookies to help us improve and customize your experience. 8.) Like many people have said allow access to the public lands. The majority of antelope are taken at 15 yards. Part of the problem lies in the access no program. Cow Elk - Wood River Ranch I hunt public land because dealing with the issues stated here in are hard to deal with. Ever wonder why their human population is so stagnant? Two Dot Ranch-Cody, WY. I realize that there are some big businesses that buy ranches and dont depend on livestock turning a profit, but thats not the case for all of them. Even drop the price a bit, so the working man can afford a hunt. But now, almost every day, our top concern starts with elk.. What else does one have? Thank you, Todd Meyer. The property is spectacular, the hunting was incredible, the guides are experienced, skilled, extremely helpful, and friendly. The native people of the Klamath, Modoc and Yahooskin eat and live off of elk and mule deer. 47 were here. Being put out of business? I would like at fill my freezer Along with my daughter my friend and his sons sell some or give some away tags and will fill them!!! I have found all of the reading most interesting its been an education for me being from Taylors South Carolina and now a young 63 year-old I dont know if I would ever have the chance to hunt such a magnificent animal as the elk they are huge and majestic looking and to see them in a herd as described in this article its just hard for me to imagine but I would love the opportunity to work the fence line repairing helping for just food and stay Iam sure that I could find way to the job site to work I do have a hemi power dodge ram truck that Im sure would make the trip but enough Smalltalk protecting the elk and the Elks habitat and ranchers land would be number one there are many ways that yall could benefit by having me on the team The list is too long to mention all of them. DIY Unguided Elk Drop Camp. Oh waitthese people have killed most of their wolves and now they dont like the result. If so youd better come up with a solution to trim those herds down t manageable levels, and it is not the Game and Fish wholl figure it out. Archery, muzzleloader, and rifle hunting . I think each side of this issue feels very strongly about their position and so its hard to find common ground that wont cause a complete revolt by another party. Tired of hearing about the struggling story of ranchers and over populated elk. Problem is, I cant afford non- resident tags. Mule Deer Hunts. Elk - Lost Creek Outfitters THEY HAVE GROWN TO THE SANCTIONED LIFE OF SECURITY AND LIFE STYLE OF MOVING FROM PRIVATE TO STATE HUNTING AREAS AT NIGHT AND RETURN TO PRIVATE LANDS THE VERY NEXT MORNING. This swath of the Rockies eastern front reaches from Laramie to Casper, home to the Laramie Peak/Muddy Mountain Herd, which has averaged somewhere between double and triple Game and Fishs 5,000-elk objective. You suggest that the publics wildlife are, its up to the rancher to fence out the elk. But changing how hunting licenses are issued to address the elk overpopulation problems on private land promises to be a heavier lift because its such a contentious issue. Many more hunters get to go for free. may be downloaded there. Also change age limits for hunting licenses costs for people over 65 with a drop in costs. Very rough country. I am sure families who need the meat to feed their families would help out. Wolves, bears, chronic wasting disease, brucellosis and starvation will eventually thin the herds. Most importantly, bears , wolves , lions, elk and buffalo populated these areas for a long time before any rancher put in a fence. Rawhide Creek Ranch | Hunts | Wyoming Lets Hunt Some Turkey. Outfitter: Jeff and Deb Smith Outfitter License #: BG-158 Forest Service #'s: WIN 497 - POW 521 - BLG 163 Visit Website . Ive hunted in Wyoming for the past 30 years (never have killed an elk) would love to, but its sometimes difficult to gain access to private property. Its not cheap, he said. The landowners out there that are really angry, are really angry, and what weve done to them needs to be reconsidered, Gilliland told fellow members of the Wyoming Wildlife Taskforce in March. If the Wyoming GFP department would make better access to the public land some of these problems would be solved by hunters. Wolves are already in the southern Laramie range. They want to charge a lot of money or they dont allow hunting. The irony and hypocrisy is meme worthy at this point. be warned, were bringing the fight to you and in fact, some of us well even fight you right in the middle of the field. There are no perfect reforms and the group is yet to recommend a strategy, Coursey said. THE RULE OF THE THUMB IS . 2.) If there is no public access there should be no deprivation money. The Chase family, friends, employees, and clients now hunt the NX bar. Bring back the wolves and they will take care of the elk. Also, I cant believe I have to say this, but elk are not terrorists. Great guide, great cook, great accommodations and Located near the North Platte River the area is well known for Duck and Goose Hunting. The Elk were here before the Ranchers. More by Mike Koshmrl, Your email address will not be published. The Park Service killed thousands of starving elk with paid riflemen and literally bulldozed the carcasses into mass graves. Nevertheless, the Laramie Mountains remain renowned for producing trophy-class bull elk. One must ask wy is the state/game and fish paying wildlife damage fees to these massive ranches when they arnt allowing the public to come in and hunt? I walk in and pack out on my back and still cant work with ranchers and ranchers cant work with abusive hunters. More tags , less money , why would anyone ((average hard working hunter)) want to refinance their home to hunt an elk . One hunt planning website geared toward public land hunters gave poor marks to ease of access in area seven and scored its room to breathe i.e., competition with other hunters just 10 out of 100. We know that as top-of-the-line hunting outfitters, your hunting experience will be unmatched when you harvest your animal while staying at the Queen Mountain Guest Ranch. But it has probably opened up more grass for foraging. So much wrong here I dont even know where to begin. The answer is simple, illegalize outfitting and these damage payments. Directions: Head north on highway US 191 N. Turn right on Gros Ventre Road. find a reasonable place to hunt. theres a new sheriff in town and youll be seeing more of us. There just seems to be too many elk on the private property. What is CBD? I have not seen flocks like that in many years. Contact me for more details on these hunts. The antelope hunting is from permanent blinds by water holes, with shots of 12-20 yards. No public access no public money. We will guide you into the area at the . In Wisconsin, wolves have decimated the deer herd in the north. Joined Feb 9, 2015 Messages 323 Location . Or what the relationship is between increased elk, and declining mule deer populations. Colorado is over run with to many seasons and it is vastly reducing our Elk herds. Its a real burden for a small state like Wyoming to fund T&E management. Great opportunity to hunt on the ranch with lots of elk and elk meat for the money: $3,000* 3: November - thru December: 2:1 . There are plenty of places where new herds could be reestablished and be come a healthy staple for the native people who have lost their natural diet of elk, deer, bison and salmon. We offer first-rate guided elk hunts tailored for archery hunts, rifle hunts . Sy Gilliland, president of the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association, described overpopulated elk as terrorists destroying some ranches that his guides lead clients on. Bring the wolves back and after a few years the problem will resolve itself. Down Highway 94 south of Douglas toward diminutive Esterbrook, Dax McCarty manages the hunting operations on the massive Wagonhound Ranch, owned by investment banker Art Nicholas. Thanks for the opportunity to speak. You will be amazed at the amount of quality game this area of Wyoming holds. as icing on the cake, a trophy bull!! And the food prepared by Doris was absolutely fabulous., I can not tell you what this trip meant to me. Times do change. The elk proliferation is not for lack of effort to push them away: Weve tried about everything, he said. I will say, I know a guy from Wisconsin who hunts the Area 7, and he says that the wolves back there have really thrown deer numbers down to the point where they are struggling to keep their numbers up, so I dont think wolves are the answer, it would be even harder to manage the wolf population than elk in my opinion. We look forward to hearing from you. So both of those management experiments demonstrated how the Predator-Prey dynamic works, or doesnt. Required fields are marked *. Aoudad. The current system, in Bonanders view, is working. Sisco D Ranch offers a hunt guarantee, assuring that this will be the hunt of a lifetime. State looses a lot of money.. Plan for the tag people! Game and Fish already has the ability to do this by regulation. Call Durham Ranch. It isnt my job to pay for damages incurred by wildlife Im not allowed to be a part of managing. If the number of trophy hunters was severely limited, and nature was allowed to take its course, this problem would resolve naturally. The G&F and Outfitters are the only animal business I know that make money form animals they do not feed or provide fencing and other costs related to raising livestock or wild life. NOTHING satisfies them. mosr of the new generation carry a differant attitude. 5.) Average antelope bucks typically score in the low to mid 70s with some measuring 80+ inches. It is also not a high fence hunt. Wolves took care of that high elk numbers every were 20,000 elk to 4 ,000 elk in 2020 in the Jackson hole in Yellowstone. Even out of state disabled hunters that would never have an opportunity to hunt elk like this. 4.29. 468 were here. The Huntress by Kate Quinn | Goodreads Elk Hunting. Also I know enough people who would jump at the chance to kill an elk for the meat. I believe the system is in need of a more realistic view of what is truly taking place. Frontier Prison. Cant forget those huge damage checks the rancher gets because he denuded the public ground, forcing the elk on his property (Where he can also get big bucks outfitting the peoples big game).So, there ya go, the welfare outfitter, the welfare rancher and too many elk on their land. Example, Game and Fish has entered into long term hunting and fishing access agreements with numerous landowners along the Big Horn River in Hot Springs County; typically, they are 100 feet wide along the river bank. I followed Jeffs advice, drew the tag, and then booked the hunt with Wagonhound for the opening day of rifle season and it couldn't have been better!. HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY. Justin Binfet, who coordinates wildlife for Game and Fishs Casper Region, has managed the Laramie Peak Herd for two decades. Well if the game and fish along with land owners would come to an agreement, increase the number of non residents licenses. Not cool. The state and the feds get involved and then the only winners are the state and the feds. Its getting worse and worse, Grant said. The Ranch is a 20,000+ acre privately owned outfitting and cattle Ranch. One of the figures Ive heard for pipelines crossing private land is $50,000 per mile. I lived in the Wheatland and Cheyenne area for a while. Since we control the hunting on 100% of the 300,000 acre ranch we are able to create quality hunts dreams are made of! Human hunters are NOT the reason for the elk decrease in Yellowstone and Wyoming. Here easy fix. The Best States for Your First Antelope Hunt | MeatEater Hunting Increase damage control tags and put some meat in the freezer. Issues with overpopulated elk, of course, arent restricted to Turtle Rock Ranch. AN OPEN MESSAGE FROM THE PUBLIC LAND RECREATIONALISTS TO THE LANDOWNERS AND OUTFITTERS: were fed up. Camp & Ranch House Hunts - Includes all meals, . The accumulative loss of food for the species the Grants are intending to grow would be a big hit if not for a Wyoming Game and Fish Department compensation program. *WyoFile does not fact check every comment but, when noticed, submissions containing clear misinformation, demonstrably false statements of fact or links to sites trafficking in such will not be posted. Hmmm, lets see.why are we killing wolves when their prey is out of control? But sportspeople agree that there are problems. Read about what our clients have said about their hunting experiences with Wagonhound Outfitters. And theres the common belief held in WY, here I quote a Rock Springs BLM manager, Theres no elk anymore because of the wolves. Whaaa? Medicine Bow, WY, 82329, Carbon County. Might be nice to roll some facts in the mix especially for those of you unfamiliar with the area. 30 miles West of Wheatland, Wyoming. Ive been in the woods, seen the packs prints scattering the elk from their early mornings beds. People killed off all the predators that should be there and wants you the same now. So do elk. $3,100. WHAT YOU WIND UP WITH IS THE GAME WILL FIND ABSOLUTE SECURITY ON NON HUNTED PRIVATE SUBSEQUENT TO BLMS STATE AND LOCAL AND FEDERAL, LANDS AND THEY PROSPER TWO FOLD WHEN NOT HUNTED IN SEQUENCE TO THE HERD SIZES. TIMBERLINE - WYOMING BIG GAME HUNTING. Hense cows. Or to many Cows? The Solitude Ranch has a reputation of sending hunters home with a Pope & Young caliber Whitetail deer or Mule deer. Wont work!! The private land owners and tax payers provide all of the feed for these animals. 2 Year Old Buffalo Bulls (Private Land Utah) - @ $3,400 - $3,800 Deposit $1000. Our family has . Nine magnificent Wyoming log cabins dot the landscape at Brush Creek Ranch; from the outside, they appear much as they would have when the ranch was founded in the late 19th century. Bold and fearless, Nina Markova always dreamed of flying. My wife and I would love to hunt elk but we cannot afford it. You have absolutely no idea what youre even talking about. Rancher whine about the elk, yet most wont give access to hunters. Introduced non native Canadian wolves into Wyoming to kill off native Elk. The Wyoming Frontier Prison was used for almost 80 years, starting in 1901, and is considered one of the state's most haunted places. Im hopeful one day that the management and landowners will explore and succeed in their wishes to help control what theyre making and living for cattle ranchers livelihood. View Gallery. 5400 Bishop Blvd. You cant solve a problem with the same thinking that created it. The deer hunting is from blinds and stalking. the monopoly is over. Elk application deadline is January 31st. Average hunter cannot afford the legal issues that the Missouri hunters just went through. Allow electronic calls, baiting, flying the area up to the day of your hunt, and many more ways to control the population! Not possible??? I personally know of several areas that have been hunted by the four generations of my family that are either closed or switched from public access to walk in areas. I am an absolute supporter of both our ranchers and sportsman alike but I am sorry if you are not going to allow public hunting without fees then you dont receive hay or fence subsidies is a simple as that! How about lowering the cost of Elk tags so that more out of state hunters can afford to go out west. I dont feel sorry for these ranchers on bit and nor should you! I know you ranchers would prefer not to have a lot of hunters on your land. Then, what you do with your private land is your business. PO Box 569 Sundance, WY 82729 (307) 283-3443 Land owners have to allow access to hunters in order to draw damages from division of wildlife. We also have a very healthy population of Merriams' turkey. Their exceptional work ethic, attention to . This will allow the public access to publicly owned wildlife and the incentives for landowners to allow regulated access would be significant. Those monies being paid out for damages belong to the people not the government. Since 1979, Rough Country Outfitters and Guides, LLC, has offered top quality, private ranch hunts for Wyoming's best big game trophies! Dollar fee to hunt a single animal is beyond reasonable or acceptable. The late season hunt in unit 61 has plenty of public land outside the wilderness to hunt. Time to import some Grey Wolves to the Laramie Mountains. Isnt that putting the fox in the hen house? Taxpayer funds are not used to feed them only funds from license sales. to thin the herd and problem will persistent. We have managed the Ranch for trophy Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, and Antelope for over 30 years. I have been to a lot of different hunting camps over the last 25 yrs. Owners Helen LaKelly Hunt and Harville Hendrix did a major renovation and expansion of the 1880s-era home beginning in 1993 with builder Sharon Woods and architect John Arrison, but the footprints .