SECTION24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. For hearings, Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. The full list of rules and regulations is contained in the Highway Rules, Sections 2-02 and 2-04, and should be consulted before any work is performed on the street. See Section 3.5.1 Holds for more information. If a private homeowner is applying for a Sidewalk Repair Permit, and will be making the repair by himself/herself, the homeowner may apply for a permit by mail. CRBRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #2 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORATION REQ'MENTS. Permit Bond. Vault (VLT) hold A VLT hold is automatically placed if the proposed permit work is for the installation or repair of a vault, which must be reviewed and released by the Permit Office. Fax: (212) 361-1900, Queens Any definitions found in existing federal, state or city laws, rules and regulations take precedence as the official and legal definitions. Click here for a copy of the Instructions for Permittee Registration Application. WORK HOURS ARE NORTHBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM OR SOUTHBOUND 10 AM TO 4 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS ARE NORTHBOUND 10 AM TO 4 PM OR SOUTHBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS NORTHBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM OR SOUTHBOUND 10 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS ARE NORTHBOUND 10 AM TO 6 PM OR SOUTHBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS ARE EASTBOUND 10 AM TO 4 PM OR WESTBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, WORK HOURS ARE EASTBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM OR WESTBOUND 10 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, THIS PERMIT IS VOID IF INSURANCE IS NOT RENEWED TO COVER PERIOD OF THIS PERMIT, WORK HOURS ARE EASTBOUND 10 AM TO 6 PM OR WESTBOUND 7 AM TO 3 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, THE PERMITTEE IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL, MAINTAIN, AND REMOVE ALL NECESSARY TEMPORARY PARKING AND REGULATORY SIGNS AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND RESTORE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION PER NYCDOT STANDARDS PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE PERMIT. DURING NON-WORKING HOURS PEDESTRIAN WALK WAY MUST BE MAINTAINED ON SIDEWALK OR ON ROADWAY. PAVEMENT MUST BE RESTORED IN KIND. During the application process, the NYCSTREETS system will automatically identify cases which require additional HE review, and processes them accordingly. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Brooklyn SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. Transformer vaults are typically installed, owned and maintained by an electric utility company. LANE CLOSURES MAY NOT OCCUR WHEN TWO LANE CLOSURES OCCUR ON GOWANUS OR ON RAMPS LEADING TO 3RD AVENUE. 59 Maiden Lane, 37th floor Further information is available in Section 2-02 (h) of the Highway Rules. REQUEST TO DEP:LOCAL AND EMERGENCY TRAFFIC DURING WORKING HOURS DURING NON-WORKING HOURS ONE LANE OPENED TO TRAFFIC. New York City streets include a complex mix of assets such as electric, gas, telephone, cable, water, sewer and steam lines, requiring coordination among the different asset owners when street work is performed. Upon completion of work, sidewalks must be restored according to Highway Rules, Section 2-09(f)(4) and NYC DOT Standard Highway Specifications. REQUIRES LOWER MANHATTAN BOROUGH COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE (LMBCO) REVIEW. Manhole Embargo, Commercial Refuse Container, Temporary Plates and Shunts, Steam Tanks and Nitrogen Tanks permits are processed and stipulated directly by NYCSTREET. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. (212) 839-8857 A list of construction embargoes under way at any given time can be found on the Construction Embargoes page on NYC DOT's website or at the borough Permit Offices. Sidewalk Construction Permits apply to any repairs, replacements or new sidewalk installations. Fax: (718) 965-7753 PEU also accepts applications to abandon existing vaults that are no longer in use. Interpreting Parking or Traffic Sign or Regulation Locate Parking Signs on Specific Streets Parking Sign Fact Sheet Parking in a School Zone Parking Rules School Bus Parking NOVs carry a monetary fine and place the matter under the jurisdiction of the New York City Environmental Control Board (ECB). FOR DRILLING OPERATION MAY WORK 7AM-6PM MONDAY - FRIDAY IN CURB LANE AND PART OF SIDEWALK. New York, NY 10007 New York State Department of Transportation coordinates operation of transportation facilities and services including highway, bridges, railroad, mass transit, port, waterway and aviation facilities . * Clear Path (pedestrian walkway): This directive is intended to provide pedestrians with the maximum amount of safety and space to traverse the sidewalk. Executive (EXC) hold An EXC hold is automatically placed if the proposed permit locations involve locations deemed necessary by NYC DOT. For conditions that need immediate attention from the permittee, NYC DOT may issue Priority CARs [AKA Notices of Immediate Corrective Action (NICAs)]. number as provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Other requirements may apply to the movement of cranes within city limits, such as daily or annual over-dimensional travel permit(s) as issued by NYC DOT. Who has been found liable by a court or in a proceeding before the ECB of a violation of a rule or order of NYC DOT or the terms or conditions of a permit issued by NYC DOT or other applicable law, which violation caused an imminent peril to life or property. To this end, this chapter discusses existing mechanisms that help inform utility companies and other potentialstreet excavatorsof impending NYC DOT work, including how to access information on NYC DOT's planned capital projects, weekly street resurfacing schedules, "protected street"*information and other data that can help to facilitate effective communication regarding street work. RESTORE PAVEMENT AFTER SUFFICIENT TIME FOR CURING. 47-40 21st Street - 7th Floor SIGNS SHALL BE POSTED MIN OF 48-HRS PRIOR TO START OF WRK & IMMEDIATELY REMOVED UPON COMPLETION OF WRK OR PERMIT EXPIRATION. WALKWAY IN ROADWAY MAY BE CLOSED 8AM- 4:30PM MON - FRI OPEN ALL OTHER TIMES. However, if extraordinary conditions are present, the applicant may be asked to meet with OCMC. Second, after obtaining HIQA's authorization, the applicant must obtain a permit to install the canopy at the approved location and apply for a permit to maintain the canopy once it is installed. Drawings are available in various formats including PDF (Acrobat), DGN (MicroStation Design File), DWG and DXF (AutoCAD Drawing), and other image types (TIF, DPR). Applicants who prefer to apply in person may do so using an Application for Roadway/Sidewalk Permit(s)or seeAppendix B, Forms. ONE ADDITIONAL LANE ADJACENT TO THE ENCLOSED WORK ZONE MAY OCCUR 12:01 AM - 5 AM NIGHTLY WITH NO NOISE OPERATIONS. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. CONTAINER SHALL NOT BE STORED OR PLACED WITHIN: (I) "NO STOPPING", "NO STANDING", "NO PARKING ANYTIME" OR "AUTHORIZED PARKING" AREAS. A separate permit is required for each construction-related activity, except where otherwise provided in the Highway Rules or by permit stipulations. NYC DOT issues permits for two types of vaults: building vaults and transformer vaults. Fax: (718) 699-7491 SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. The applicant submits a completed Canopy Authorization Application, which must include the following: Written approval from the owner of the property to which the canopy will be attached. Office hours: Applications accepted, only from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM; MAINTAIN 5 FOOT PED. (See Chapter 4, Section 4.5 Street Construction Inspections and Enforcement regarding the circumstances in which CARs may be issued.). Excavators use those markings to help identify underground facility locations in order to promote public safety and to prevent damage to public and private property. (16 NYCRR Part 753), Additional information can be obtained by contacting New York 811 at 800-272-4480, or visiting the New York 811 Website. Appendix ACommon Permit Types and Documents Needed, Appendix DOther Agency and Utility Contact Information, DOB BUILDER'S PAVEMENT PLAN (BPP) AUTHORIZATION FORM, (Initial submission only) 1 Centre Street, 9th Floor NYC DOT registers permittees, and coordinates and issues permits for construction-related activity on streets. ON WEEKDAYS FROM 6AM TO 7PM MUST WORK BEHIND BARRIER WHILE MAINTAINING HALF SIDEWALK (MIN 5 FEET) FOR PEDESTRIANS AND NO USE OF ROADWAY. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. Applicants should contact the NYC DOT Plan Examination Unit (PEU) of the Permit Office to initiate the application process and to determine specific requirements for a permit and a license, if required. FULL SIDEWALK CLOSURE WITH WALKWAY IN ROADWAY, WEEKDAY NIGHTS 7PM TO 6AM AND FRI NIGHT 7PM THRU MON 6AM. Minimum slopes should be used wherever possible. The Bridge Hold Map shows locations where Bridge holds apply. LANE MUST BE AN UNRESTRICTED PARKING LANE. 280 Broadway, 3rd Floor Similarly, the sooner a potential street excavator knows about NYC DOT's intent to work in a particular location, the better it can make arrangements to avoid or reduce potential conflicts. Sidewalk GradesUnless granted a waiver from NYC DOT, permanent sidewalks must be laid to the legal curb grades. Applicants must be registered with NYC DOT and have a Permittee ID Number, except in the case of a Sidewalk Repair Permit taken out by a homeowner, where the work will be performed by the homeowner. The Permit Bureau issues a number of different categories of construction-related permits for work on a street. FULL WIDTH OF SIDEWALK SHALL BE OPENED TO PEDESTRIANS WHEN SITE IS UNATTENDED EXCEPT FOR CONCRETE CURING WHEN THAT PORTION OF THE SIDEWALK MAY REMAIN CLOSED PROVIDED ALL OTHER STIPULATIONS ON THIS PERMIT ARE COMPLIED WITH. serviceInformation on long-term capital programs from potential street excavators helps NYC DOT to effectively coordinate planned street work. THIS PERMIT IS BEING ISSUED WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIFIC TRAVEL LANE RESTORATION AS AGREED TO WITH THE BOROUGH ASHO'S OFFICE. Office hours: 8:30 AM-5:00 PM, Manhattan Questions regarding permit registration can be directed to the central Permit Office. Orders, given orally or in writing, may be issued by the Commissioner to cease and desist work or to perform remedial action. TWO HUNDRED TWENTY OF THE LABOR LAW, PAID TO THOSE SO EMPLOYED. IF MORE THAN 50% OF THE SIDEWALK FRONTAGE IS AFFECTED THE ENTIRE SIDEWALK MUST BE REPLACED WITH THE NEW 4.13C STANDARD. 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside the City) WHEN SCHOOL IS OUT MAINTAIN ONE 11 FOOT LANE FOR THRU TRAFFIC 7 AM TO 6 PM MON. 5. PLEASE CONTACT THE NYC DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (. A CRIA statement is required if the closure is expected to last for more than 180 consecutive calendar days, as set forth inSection 2-16 of the Highway Rules. Drawings (Downloads) Standard Sheets - Metric - SI; Standard Sheets - English - USC; WHEN APPLICABLE, NYCT OR PRIVATE BUS COMPANIES MUST ALSO BE NOTIFIED. Street Design Manual | NYC Street Design Manual Information on restoration requirements following street openings/excavations can be found inChapter 4 Executing Work in the Street. Staten Island, NY 10301 Management of New York City's street infrastructure is critical to the city's economic well-being and quality of life. MAXIMUM OF 11 FEET OF ROADWAY MAY REMAIN CLOSED AFTER WORKING HOURS ONLY FOR CONCRTETE CURING. With over 185,000 corners, the Pedestrian Ramp Program is a robust program focused on installing and upgrading pedestrian ramps (curb ramps) throughout the five boroughs. NYCStreets confirms that the applicants insurance is current; approves application and auto-generates an Emergency Street Opening permit number, which authorizes the emergency street opening/excavation work. Concrete (CON) hold All permits issued to work on concrete portions of the roadway are automatically placed on hold until a HIQA inspector performs an inspection of the work site to establish existing conditions before work begins. SECTION 5: DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE(S) TO ACCEPT SERVICE OF SUMMONS AT THE APPLICANT'S BUSINESS OFFICE: Enter the names of at least two people who are authorized to accept summonses for his/her corporation and who are located at his/her business address. (212) 839-2430 CANNOT WORK WHEN GOWANUS EXPRESSWAY HAS MORE THAN 1 LANE CLOSED SOUTHBOUND. Applicants must submit a completed permit application. CNRRES-RESTORE AS PER SKETCH #6 OF DOT'S PROTECTED STREET RESTORAITON REQ'MENTS. New York, NY 10038 For building operations, a crane permit is required for all cranes and derricks operating in the street on building construction or related activity under the jurisdiction of DOB, with the exception of truck cranes with telescopic, hydraulic or folding booms, over 50 feet and not more than 135 feet with a maximum rated capacity of 3 tons, for which a construction activity permit has been issued. All of these signs are metal and include the agency name and sign code. Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM, Queens Poles (POL) hold A POL hold is automatically placed if the proposed permit work is for the installation of a pole on the sidewalk, which must be reviewed, approved and released by NYC DOT Street Lighting. 120-55 Queens Blvd., Room 201 PERMITTEE/SPONSORING AGENCY REQUIRED TO POST ADVISORY SIGNS ON THE SEGMENT AFFECTED MIN 48-HRS PRIOR TO CHANGING EXISTING SIGNS. The fee for reissuance may be found in Section 2-03 of the Highway Rules. This list is provided as a reference tool, for informational purposes only, and is not an exhaustive list. IT IS THE PERMITTEE'S RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE WITH DDC'S WALL STREET WATER MAIN PROJECT EIC AT (212)791-8170 PRIOR TO BEGINNING A WORK OPERATION. The guidance presented in the Street Works Manual does not supersede any existing federal, state or city laws, rules and regulations. New York, NY 10013 The permittee must attach a copy of the original permit to the application when requesting a re-issuance and all applicable reviews and fees will apply. SECTION 24-224 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE VARIANCE GRANTED FOR HOURS AND DAYS STIPULATED HEREIN. The CGL policy should provide coverage in the amount of no less than $1 million combined single limit per occurrence, except for applications for permits to place a crane on a street, which requires $3 million combined single limit per occurrence. MAINTAIN A 5 FOOT CLEAR PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY IN ROADWAY. Any given permit or permittee may be subject to one or more holds. If guide sheets are to be included in a project, they should be included in a subset under that project. To request release of a COB hold, the applicant must contact the HIQA borough office in the borough in which the proposed work is to be performed to arrange for an inspector to visit the work site prior to the start of the work. ONE 11-FOOT LANE MAY REMAIN CLOSED FOR CONCRETE CURING ONLY, ON WEEKENDS, DEFINED AS 12:01AM SATURDAY THROUGH 6AM MONDAY. ALL WORK OPERATIONS MUST BE RESTRICTED WITHIN 11 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE INTERSECTION. 10 Richmond Terrace, Room 308 DOTMap also features a protected streets layer, enabling utilities and other potential street excavators to view which streets are protected and for what period of time. These policies and the Manual's presentation of permit procedures are designed to deliver higher quality street surfaces, fewer transportation capacity reductions and a more efficient construction environment to the people and businesses of New York City.