However, the Oneness Pentecostal could grant that it is not really Scripture. Sphere: in the sight of, before (someone), c. Association: with (someone/something) (BBGG). Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998. John 3:5: Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Oneness Pentecostalism: Heresy, Not Hairsplitting 6. Trinitarians could easily affirm that they are one God, they share the same essence. Important Question: If Jesus is the Father, why is there not a single passage that states this in the NT or the OT? 6. Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical-Theological Critique Author Michael Burgos Publisher Church Militant Publications, 2016 ISBN 0692644067, 9780692644065 Length 246 pages Export. In my opinion it is better than Burgos' Against Oneness Pentecostals, Boyd's Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity. Interacting with Oneness Pentecostals - Apologetics Index Nicodemus was perplexed by what Jesus said to him. Further, in the Gospels, almost one hundred and eighty times, Jesus referred to the Father as the Father, my Father, or your Father- thus, as a distinct person from Himself. REVIEW OF MICHAEL BURGOS, AGAINST - David K. Bernard | Facebook 6. And over two hundred times, Scripture speaks of the Holy Spirit and Jesus as distinct persons- and Never once does Scripture call Jesus the Father or the Holy Spirit.. Concerning the baptismal view of the most rigid Oneness Pentecostals, he states, "It is on this issue, theologians say, that Oneness Pentecostals have drifted dangerously toward spiritual elitism and heresy." 14 Indeed, the Oneness view of baptism is lethally flawed. This is agreed by recognized Greek Grammars and recognized Lexicons of the NT such as BDAG, 757. The assumption that Jesus is never referred to as the Father is incorrect. In the Gospels, Jesus referred to the Father over two hundred times as someone other than Himself, thus, as a distinct person. John 3:13; 6:38, 46, 62; 8:23, 38, 42; 16:28). Note also that in 14:10, Jesus clearly differentiates Himself from the Father when He declares: The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. To reiterate, the undisputable fact is this: not one time in the New Testament does Jesus (or any other person) state that He Himself is the Father. Please try again. Against Oneness Pentecostalism: An Exegetical-Theological Critique I wont give him this web page..too bad. Thus, because God is tri-personal He can be described as both Maker and Makers and as Creator and Creators. He is one Being, not one persona point that is repeatedly brought to bear by the OT authors. One of the key verses to which they will appeal is Mark 16:17, which tells us that those who have believed will speak in tongues. Many Oneness churches especially the UPCI rejects justification through faith alone by teaching that one must be water baptized (in the name of Jesus only) to be savedwith the evidence, as the UPCI teaches, of speaking in other tongues. Because I live, you also will live. The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! However, since in Oneness theology Jesus is both Father and Son, Jesus cannot be properly Mediator between two partiesGod the Father and man. The only thing that keeps me from fully accepting Oneness at this point is Christology. Encyclopedia of American Religions. Speaking in tongues is listed among several other practices, including casting out demons, resisting a snake bite and healing the sick. For God does not share His glory with no one (cf. including terms like Trinity, Unitarianism, Reviewed in the United States on March 13, 2017. Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. . 1:20-21). T. D. Jakes and The Potter's House church | How did the Son have (literally, actively possessed) glory with (para) the Father before time if the Son did not exist before Bethlehem? They do not know how to deal with the texts that are often cited. So when a Oneness advocate says that the Son did not exist before time, remember, that assertion is not based on biblical exegesis, but rather on what he or she has been taught by Oneness pastors/teachers. Further, the conversation that Jesus had with Nicodemus should not be overlooked. Now revised, updated, and expanded. When somebody is born again, they will show the evidence of speaking with new tongues. . (BDAG, 46). as well as found on early Germanic coins-with no religious significance at all. ", ASIN Does this not seem to vindicate Oneness theology? They are not three distinct persons. If God is unitarian, why is it that there are so many places in the Bible where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are clearly distinguished from each other in the same verse? While this book may be helpful insofar as it rehearses typical Oneness Pentecostal views and arguments, it is far from providing a substantial treatment of Scripture or a meaningful interaction with trinitarianism. Phil. Description: While most Pentecostals are orthodox, there is a segment within this movement of "Oneness" or "Jesus-Only" Pentecostals who are not. Paul was referring to the latter, not the former. Yes, the Jesus of Oneness theology is a false Jesus. Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2021. Recently, a few evangelicals have tried to label Oneness Pentecostal churches as cultic. I have a friend who is try to understand he trinity. 2:7, the participle labn,(taking as in taking the nature of a servant) is a participle of means (cf. How To Implement Apologetics into the Church, The Differences Between the Prosperity Gospel and the Biblical Gospel. They will see that because he lives (he was raised from the dead), they too will live (be raised from the dead). 50 This is the bread which comes down ek tou ouranou, so that one may eat of it and not die. Second, in 1 Corinthians 14:4-5, Paul speaks about tongues for edification. Instead, you should focus on the biblical teachings within the text and not use non-biblical philosophy. Oneness Pentecostalism (also known as Apostolic or Jesus' Name Pentecostalism [citation needed]) refers to a grouping of denominations and believers within Pentecostal Christianity, all of whom subscribe to the nontrinitarian theological doctrine of Oneness. Preexistence of the Son - Is the Son pre-existing like the Father or did the Father become the Son. Trinitarian who is struggling with the Oneness doctrine. It may also be that Father, Son, and Spirit is the name by which we know God. No single translation or human interpretation can be regarded as infallible. One way white evangelical Protestants say their faith is against the vaccine is by talking of eternal life, like Mississippi Gov. Shipping cost, delivery date, and order total (including tax) shown at checkout. 3. The argument isn't against modesty, but that the descriptions the New Testament gives are examples from the first century and aren't universal prohibitions for every time and culture . But typically, God became a man. Oneness View Seriously Flawed : So I want to provide a resource for understanding Oneness Pentecostalism, some of the arguments that they will use and how to respond to them. If the Son did not eternally exist with the Father as a distinct person why is it that the Son is said to be sent from the Father out of heaven? . It does not seem at all implausible that Jesus was referring to living water in John 3:5. John 1:18; Col. 1:15; 1 Tim. The Global Witness (UPCI) Noted Greek scholar Daniel Wallace provides the precise meaning of the preposition para followed by the dative: In general, the dative uses suggest proximity or nearness. Well, first, you need to be baptized with the baptismal formula, In the name of Jesus. They will re-baptize you if you were baptized In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Second, you will need to receive the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. Both of these are essential ingredients to salvation. (vv. Nearly twenty years ago a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed Greg Boyd wrote a book defending the doctrine of the Trinity against the objections of Oneness Pentecostals. It is an idiom for authority, like if I say in the name of the king. This is firmly established in Acts 4:4, which reads, By what power or what name did you do this? Power and name are parallel. The name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus. Texas Bible College-Houston, Texas. There is not a single case in which the prophets repudiated anything like the doctrine of the trinity, nor is there any case in which rebellious Israel believed it and convoked the wrath of God. Books Refuting Oneness Pentecostal Beliefs - Spiritual Abuse The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all (2 Cor. Further, how do you know that you do not merely possess the gift of tongues? : The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Church of Our Lord Jesus of the Apostolic Faith (COLJF)-30,000 Further, the idiom in the name of does not always refer to a reciting of the name. 1:1-13; Jude 1:1; Rev. Oneness Pentecostals will point to John 3:5 as evidence of that. PDF Oneness Pentecostals and the Trinity - 6 4. 2:6-11). But I thought that it would be useful to assimilate many of the arguments into one post so that you may have a quick reference. Note the context indicating that the Father sent the person of the Son. Oneness Pentecostals have a distorted notion of the Trinity and need someone to show them the scriptural teaching of the Trinity, David Kowalski writes. Questions Oneness Pentecostals Don't Ask: A Review - His insight is edifying. . Baptism is not essential to ones reception of salvation. As marked out below, Jesus also differentiates Himself from God the Holy Spirit.