[1] The 13th Virginia Regiment, much of which was comprised of militia from the western counties, such Greenbrier, was stationed at Fort Pitt at this time. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Next, Littleton West discusses being drafted to go to Kentucky in the early 1780s, and that he couldnt go because he had gotten married by then, so he found a substitute. American Farmers Forming at Concord. virginia civil war reenactments 2022. The acquisition of Texas involved us in the Mexican War. Search For Your Ancestors in Historical Documents. That before he entered the service as a spy he took the Oath of Fidelity and the Oath to perform the duties of a Spy That he went into service as a spy on the first day of May 1776 and was discharged on the first of November following, having continued in service six months and until that season of the year arrived when the fear of Indian depredation no longer existed, they having as was their general custom retired to winter quarters. Thanks. Second Regiment of Connecticut Light Horse Militia, 1777. The regiment would see action at the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth and the Siege of Charleston. John Gibson (17401822) was a French and Indian War veteran and Indian trader who had settled near Fort Pitt. with another letter from Russell on the same subject, but it postponed consideration of the Board of Wars report on the matter (JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. That in the winter of the year 1781, he was drafted for a three months Tour to go as he was then told against the Indians on Cumberland River and on the 15th day of February of that year he together with about thirty others took up their march as they supposed for that place under the command of Captain John Henderson, Lieutenant John Wood and Ensign John Hall, their company was joined at Burnsides Fort by a company from the County of Greenbrier Commanded by Captain James Armstrong and another Company commanded by Captain Davidson, in the whole was under the command of Major Hamilton. The fortress was the site of the signing of the Treaty of Fort McIntosh on January 21, 1785. [B]ut peace being declared, [they were] disbanded in the now State of Kentucky and from there march[ed] home the last of May 1781 to Greenbrier County Virginia after serving a tower of three months. [T]hat they traversed the country which included the head waters of big and little Stony creeks the head waters of the Indian draft a branch of Indian creek and the head waters of Wolf Creek; that the distance or space of country over which he had to travel was supposed to be upwards of thirty miles, that in performing the duties of a spy they had to carry their provisions with them it being against the nature of their Oath and instructions and also jeopardizing their own safety to make a fire at knight no matter how inclement the wether might be; and that during the whole time that he was engaged in the service as an Indian Spy as aforesaid he was not engaged in any civil pursuit. That in the spring of 1777 he entered the servis of his countary and served against the Indians as herein stated That he was living in Augustia [sic: Augusta] County Virginia in that part that is now the county of Greenbrier That oweing to the depredations committed by the Indians on the Inhabitants along the new settlements in Western Virginia the people were compelled to errect Fort for their protection and Government ordered a number of men to be stationed in each Fort or garrison for their defence in case they was attacked by Indians and to scout by turns on scouting and spying parties to watch the aproach of the Indians, For this purpose on the first of April 1777 he volinteered under the command of Captain William Hamilton [pension application R4513] and was stationed in a garrison scituated on Muddy creek and range and reconnoiter along the Medow river [sic: Meadow River] and cross over onto the waters of New River thence return to the Fort dureing this season they had no engagement with the Indians. [While] waiting for the millitia troops from the County of Bedford to arive waited till the grew impatient of waiting, they determined on sending an Express to Kentucky when this declarant and six others of his company was detailed by said officer to Cary said express. About the year 1779 or 1780 as I think I volunteered under Captain Thomas Wright of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia in which County I still lived with a body of Militia ordered out by the authority of Virginia. He sided with the French after Braddocks defeat in 1755, taking part in the September 1758 victory over British and provincial troops under the command of Maj. James Grant. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department {Fort Laurens}, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. The regiment contained, likewise, a large number of private soldiers from Bourbon. Moylan's Light Dragoons, 1779. William McIlvain's Co. That in the early part of the Indian War there was a Fort or Garrison erected on a plantation belonging to James Burnsides two miles north west from where he lived which was called Burnsides Fort. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. +4 12 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 13th +5 13 Mystifying Argument (6th level) 5 4 3 3 1 14th +5 . So just to clarify, there were two separate militia musters at Byrnsides Fort, for the Greenbrier Militia to march for Kentucky in order to serve in expeditions under George Rogers Clark: one in 1778, and one in 1781. Soon after, Brodhead led an expedition to stop the threat of American Indian raids on the frontier. That he had for his companions, his two Brothers Joseph and John Swope who were both older than himself, who are both dead and James Givin (Gwinn probably) who has also been dead for a number of years; that their manner of spying was for two to go together and to meet at some point designated. Author: John Guy Vassar (1811-1888) Release Date: March 1, 2023 [eBook #70180] Language: English. All rights reserved. that they told him he must goe with them to Niagara, that he made his Escape; By going to hunt for his horse. In the spring of 1782 he was again drafted under Captain Archibald Woods. It seems he was mostly garrisoned at William Hamiltons fort on Muddy Creek. The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. It was also at McAfees Station in Kentucky where Capt. That again in the spring of 1782 on the first of April he volunteered and served on spying parties and in Hamilons [sic] Garrison untill the first of October under the command of the said Capt William Hamilton That he recollects in this year that he went on a spying campaign in company with Lenard Cooper John Shoemate Jesse and John Aursbourn[?] Likewise, the Indians were somewhat divided in their loyalties, with the Delawares and Cherokee loosely hanging onto the Americans, and the Shawnee, and others, openly and actively engaging in warfare against the American settlers. Captain George McCormick served at the Battle of Brandywine in Colonel William Crawfords Virginia Regiment. 3.Simon Girty (17411818), an Indian trader born near Harrisburg, Pa., and raised partly among Seneca Indians, had been employed as an interpreter for the Americans around Fort Pitt as early as 1759 and as a scout during Dunmores War in 1774. He was right. Authorized by the Second Continental Congress on 16 September 1776, it was organized on 3 February 1777 and consisted of four companies from the Virginia counties of Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia; Captain Daniel Morgan's . on one occasion I was out with three other men spying on Gauley River we were in this service for one month I dont know by what authority we were spying but suppose by the direction of Capt Hamilton. Drafted as aforesaid in the month of Febuary seventeen hundred seventy Eight, And marched in the month of March of the same year To Fort Chissell (Chiswell) in Virginia In the Company Commanded by Captain John Henderson under the command of Major Hamilton [probably Andrew Hamilton] stationed at Fort Chisel aforesaid. These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous personnel, pay, and supply records of American Army units, 1775-83. It appears that there were musters at Byrnsides Fort for expeditions to Kentucky to assist George Rogers Clark in 1778, and also again in 1781. William was a son of William Harvey II(1744-1819)and Polly Jane Robinson Harvey(1749-1844). The 13th Virginia was commanded by Col. John Gibson (previously Col. William Russel). That again on the first of May 1779 he valentered and served under the said Capt Hamilton untill the first of Sept. of the same year that he was stationed in Hamiltons Garrison and nothing occured this season worthy of notice that he frequently as was usual went out by turns to watch the paths that was thought most likely that Indians would attampt to pass through, That on the first of April in the year 1780 he entered the servis under Capt Hamilton and served untill the first of September of the same year and was stationed as before in Hamiltons Garrison that he recollects in the Spring of this year of going in company with William Morris Thos. 5.James Sullivan (c.17481815) served as a captain in the 13th Virginia Regiment from December 1776 to September 1778 and in the state regiment raised by George Rogers Clark, the so-called Illinois Regiment, that carried on a campaign against the Shawnee tribes from 1780 to 1782. Thus, it was probably 1778. The regiment moved by train to Manassas but was stationed on the unengaged right flank during the battle. On December 27, 1776 it was assigned to the Southern Department, then under the command of General . Not only that, but he states that he joined a company commanded by Captain James Byrnside, and that they marched to Fort Pitt in 1777 and there joined Col. Brodheads command and built Fort McIntosh, on the Ohio River. Mar 11, 2023 . Subscribe now and get each blog post by email. Henry Baughman to protect a company of movers to Kentucky. During the Gettysburg Campaign it was left at Winchester as provost guard. Travelled to a place near the Crab Orchard [in Lincoln County KY], we encamped at night. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. After fighting at First Manassas and in Jackson's Valley Campaign, it served in General Early's, W.Smith's, Pegram's, and J.A. Crawford was experienced in frontier warfare, well-liked by his men, and had served as an officer under Gen. Hands squaw campaign the year prior. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg: Of the eight companies in this regiment, four were raised in Pennsylvania and four from Maryland. It appears that Kincaid (who was a neighbor of James Byrnside) was part of the contingent who remained in western Virginia, rather than going on to Kentucky. The major under whomaffiantserved was Andrew Hamilton. I was attached to Capt Uriah Springers company Col John Gibson Regt. But, it was too late. We arrived to late to join said troops. REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA: Jonathan Fowle 13-star flag 1 national color REVOLUTIONARY WAR ERA REPRODUCTION FLAGS "Grand Union" flag (Siege of Boston) . The Valley Forge Park Alliance maintains the Muster Roll Project and helps to inspire appreciation of and support for Valley Forge National Historical Park. I remained in service under the aforesaid officer at Fort Laurence Fort McIntosh Fort Pitt & fort Wheeling removing from the one place to the other until the close of the Revolutionary war. Further complicating matters was the fact that Virginia unilaterally sent George Rogers Clark into the western territory in order to conquer for Virginia the entire Illinois Country. Theyre the best documentation we have on life and service on the Virginia frontier. Note: The annotations to this document, and any other Also competing for power in the region was Col. William Crawford, who commanded various militia units around Fort Pitt at this time. 1st Virginia Cavalry (5), 20th Virginia Cavalry (3) Old Tyke: Before Time: Confederate Cavalry (micro-Scale) . I returned home to Greenbrier my place of residence after serving in this tour 30 days. 1778, having lost his entire right forearm due to an injury in the military service. Entered Valley Forge with 442 men assigned and 175 fit for duty. He was concerned, however, that doing so might set an uncomfortable precedent, and he complained to Horatio Gates on 9 Mar. The unit was organized on 12 February 1777 at Fort Pitt in present-day western Pennsylvania to consist of nine companies of troops from the far-western Virginia counties (now parts of West Virginia and western Pennsylvania). The 13th Regiment was formed in February 1777 at Fort Pitt. The regiment or Battallion commanded by major Andrew Hamilton in Greenbrier County, State of Virginia, marched from thence to Fort Chisell (Fort Chiswell in present Wythe County VA). However, it ties in nicely with the Griffin narrative, in that they both describe being mustered to transport supplies for James Byrnside, almost certainly via packhorse, to the Fort Pitt region. Here's a list of over 20 Black-owned restaurants and bars that you can visit to celebrate Black History Month in Pensacola. that he was several times engaged in routing the picket guard of the enemy during the aforesaid tour. 1. Sherburne's Continental Regiment, 1778 - 1780. Went on to Fort McIntosh lay there a while and then moved on with the army to Fort Laurence (Fort Laurens). Benjamin' Harrison Company - 13th Virginia Regiment" family, on Ancestry. 4.White Eyes, or Koquetakeghton (c.17301778), a leader of the Turkey clan of Delaware Indians, was elected principal chief of the tribe in 1776. Served the above six months a private as above. Col. John Gibson which regiment was attached to the command of Gen. Lachlan McIntosh. The regiment was disbanded at Fort Pitt on 1 January 1783. (From http://www.myrevolutionarywar.com/states/va/va-13.htm), I didnt find my ancestor on your list, so here is his information, plus the names of the colonels he served under, in case you are still adding names to the site. Simon Girty a Messenger dispatched by General Hand to the Seneca towns on the Heads of the Allegeney, Returned here a few days a goe, he in forms us Guashota a Chief of them had Returned from War, that he had killed four people near Legonier,3 that another party Returned and Brought in a white Woman and three Scalps whilst he was in the towns, that they told him all the Nations Excepting White Eyes and a few Delawares woud strike us in the Spring. Upon the evening of the same day, 13th of October, 1862, with my husband and a lady friend, we accompanied the detachment of his own regiment which carried his body to the grave. In September 1778 Gibson attended a conference at which the first U.S. treaty of alliance was signed, with the Delaware Indians. Then were marched through to the wilderness to Colonel Benjamin Logans Station (1 mi W of Stanford Courthouse) in Kentucky for the purpose of joining the troops commanded by General George R. Clark [George Rogers Clark] on an expedition against the Indians in the N.W. After the Revolution, the fort was the home of the First American Regiment, the oldest active unit in the United States Army. Colonel Richard Campbell Major Richard Taylor Major Richard Campbell The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. [T]hat he first marched from Ben Bevers (Van Bibbers) ford (probably fort) to the part of Virginia known by the name of the Wilderness and continued scouting through the Wilderness to keep of [off] the Indians during said tower [tour] of nine months. They had marched [26 Jun 1778] some considerable time before we arived at said station. He served to the best of his recollection under this draft three months. Title: Twenty years around the world. The regiment saw action in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, and the Battle of Monmouth. Mar 11, 2023 1790 Early Slave Bill of Sale (Virginia) $500. He commanded frontier garrisons on the upper Ohio river at Fort Pitt (Pittsburg) and Fort Henry. John Sproull's Co. Lt. John Williams's Detachment Company not indicated 14th Infantry Regimental Staff Capt. (Russell's regiment was raised entirely in the West Augusta District and its successor counties, and was consequently known as the West Augusta Battalion.) He states after he returned home from the tower aforesaid he removed to the County of Montgomery & State of Virginia and in the month of August 1778 he again entered the service of the United States as a volunteer in the company of George Parrish of the County of Montgomery & State aforesaid as an Indian Spy the Company to which he belonged was ordered to guard the frontiers on Knew River [New River] where they were attached to Colonel Taylors Regiment which was commanded by said Taylor. He does not know in what month. Wright, which we know took place at Byrnsides Fort, who was then sent to Fort Chiswell, and then on to Kentucky: Living in Monroe County, West Virginia on Sept. 17, 1832. Fort McIntosh was an early American log frontier fort situated near the confluence of the Ohio River and the Beaver River in what is now Beaver, Pennsylvania. During this campaign, the advanced guard was attacked by a large body of Indians, and after a short engagement in which they killed ten of the Indians they succeeded in defeating and driving them from the field. That he moved from the Eastern part of Augusta County in the year 1774 to Turkey Creek a tributary stream of Indian Creek now in the County of Monroe then he thinks called West Augusta and better known by the name of the Greenbriar [sic: Greenbrier] Country. Walking and history of bicycling. I am anxious to have the Regiment disciplind as early as possible this spring, therefore hope the application may not be premature. . Richmond : Virginia State Library and Archives, c1989. Inside were three barracks, warehouses, officers quarters, a forge, kitchen, and powder magazines. I shall be 80 yrs. John Gibson(previously Col. William Russel). While at Fort Pitt he was sent out on a campaign under the command of Col Gibson and Crawford. The 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in central and western Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. They were recruited to serve initially in the First Virginia Regiment. The 13th Virginia completed its organization during the summer of 1861 with men from Winchester and Culpeper, Orange, Louisa, and Hampshire counties, and one company from Maryland. That he served in this year from the 1stof August until the 1stof November following, nothing of importance occured during this year. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. Book excerpt: A definitive guide to veterans from Blair County, Pennsylvania who served in: Revolutionary War; War of 1812; Mexican War; Civil War; Spanish American War; and, World War 1. Clay, was raised principally in Paris and the surrounding community. The 12th Regiment was formed in February 1777. Fourth Connecticut Regiment of Infantry Continental Line. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . United States Army Center of Military History, Bibliography of the Continental Army in Virginia, Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment, Thruston's Additional Continental Regiment, Rawling's Additional Continental Regiment, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=13th_Virginia_Regiment&oldid=1112805480, Virginia regiments of the Continental Army, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 September 2022, at 06:24. On the other hand, they were fearful of being attacked on our frontiers by the British and Indians out of Detroit. Left Valley Forge in May 1778 for Fort Pitt. Thomas Quirk when they all wer marched, to Kentucky to Logans Station, and that said Peter afterwards volunteered and served a tour under Colonel Logan against the Indians NW of Ohio River. Washington liked Crawford, a fellow Virginian, and ultimately wanted to see him in control of all forces in the western region. I am happy to be informd by Major Campbell, that your Excellency intends shortly to have the divided and disagreeable situation of the 13th Virginia Regiment laid before Congress; that thereby that part of the Regiment here, and those over the Mountain at Fort Pitt may be joind together, and act accordingly at such place as your Excellency and Congress may think propper to direct.1, That the Soldiers of that Regiment had assurances by the Officers who enlisted them to be continued on that side of the Mountain, is a fact, perhaps unknown to your Excellency, but true it is such engagements drew in many married Men to enlist, who have since been forced down here, leaving their helpless Families in a most miserable condition. Pennsylvania (should be Virginia) Line on Continental Establishment Commanded by Col Broadhead, & in Capt Jas Burnsides Company. Benjamin Harrison of VA. Girty was present at the torturing and killing of William Crawford by the Wyandots in Upper Sandusky in 1782. I am wondering, however, about the timing of Mr. preserve, publish, and encourage the use of documentary sources, relating to the history of where they had been and that they had seen no signs of Indians but not thinking a family safe in such a situation advised him to leave his Cabbin and go to the Fort but he did not concent to do so and in a few hours after the Spyes left him the House was attact by a small party of Indians and some of them firing at the door which was shut the ball penetrated through the door and lodged in the boddy of Mrs. Bradshaw and wounded her so badly that she died that night and on Bradshaws firing his gun through the door from the inner side the Indians retired without doing any farther damage. Research genealogy for James Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. THE MEXICAN WAR. Thomas Jefferson, the Governor of Virginia, wrote to William Campbell (who had been placed as commander of the three joint county militias in that area) on July 3, 1780, to change his plans from going on an expedition, to instead protect the Lead Mines at Fort Chiswell, as they were a higher priority. that sending the 13th Virginia companies at Valley Forge to Fort Pitt would result in similar demands being made by members of the 12th Virginia and the 8th and 12th Pennsylvania regiments. That the nature of his service was to guard the Fort and go out when commanded in pursuit of the Indians when they would make their appearance in the settlement that his companions in service was commonly Matthew Patterson and John Cantly who are long since Dead.