Because if ours pick up if our donations pick up, and I cant tell if its strictly because of that, or because thats a day, we will not announce fundraising, if ours pick up and theres drop off. Neutralizing the Spike Protein: Shikimic Acid*. Im going to talk about where Intel counts, the discernment you have to have not me in particular for this, you know that theres been enough information given to me that its proving you know, the legitimacy of it. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. 39:13 It takes absolute balls. diseases caused by a the an untested, unsafe vaccine schedule since then President Ronald Reagan removed all liability in 1986. He has people in his household that exactly this militant TDs to the max. So when you get a chance to get to get a chance to meet him. So this is Intel from Overwatch that I got on the second of April. I thought that was pretty interesting. So of course the tour is coming through from Louisiana coming to Dallas. The weakest person. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Im like, Im like bent over like look up. And I hate to say this, but if I cant get a chance to meet a number of you while were there. And I cant find it, I might have accidentally deleted the darn recording. Yeah, your circle all these years? interjected word in there about Fauci scumbag folks. So get up here. Hence its counter active capability. Or you have misinformation coming out there. Because theyre theyre not. This website is ran by just me. In physics a phone on is a collective excitation in a periodic elastic arrangement of atoms or molecules in condensed matter, specifically in solids and some liquids often referred to as a quasi particle it is an excited state in the quantum mechanical quantization of the modes of vibrations for elastic structures of interacting particles. Great video. Same thing, and its down there putting some money in there to make sure that that our side can can participate. So Im looking at two men there in the biological response modifiers CRO program and translational research program have MDS, PhDs technicians like myself, and we were just looking at the patients all that mattered was the patients and, and for us doing the right thing. So even Starbucks, even some nutritional supplement companies have to say if there theres a chance you get these cancer causing fumes. Its not not necessarily unless required. whats happening in the world. Everything every one of us. But anyways, all I can say is with things that get disclosed and people hes talking to. Heres whats interesting. And you know, I like to say God has a sense of humor. Popular Mechanics, radioactive diamond battery will run for 28,000 years. And if you listen, if youve listened to Sheriff Mack, if you havent seen a sheriff Mack video on on rumble when I interviewed him, your responsibility that you took an oath for is that constitution and these people, not these scumbag bureaucrat political worms, who cant survive out there in the real world where theres ethics and honor and integrity, integrity and conviction of what what America stands for. You see if thats the date, you want to come over and gather for I think its Tuesday, actually, its Tuesday. This is another target for me. It takes balls. So wait a minute, now youre parading and twist my arm in the handcuffs so that every time they touch the handcuffs, you know if Im trying not to I was trying not to scream but you would scream in voluntarily they hurt that bad is and I have no idea if hes broken my arm at that point, or not my left arm so were you know, so he marches me out up the ramp area, you know, as if I dont have a mask on and I havent obeyed the rules. Predestination Debate: God's Sovereignty & Election James White & Michael Brown 2013 #Debate, Scott Ritter (Former UN Weapons Inspector) - Russia's Advanced Nuclear Missiles and Hyperglide Vehicles CANNOT Be Stopped by the West - Mike Adams. 8:51 ENTER EMAIL ADDRESS AND IF NECESSARY CLICK RESET PW IF YOU HAVE ALREADY FORGOTTEN YOUR PW! Hell, thats it. I talked to him tonight on the tipping point on revolution radio. Therefore, Im going to try to figure out whats going on here, like many other people that are awake, we all have those choices, all of us. Now were never bullshit. Congratulations. One of them that did step up as you know, I thought heres a guy that talks about doing your research. Thanks again for the continued support. Ill step away from the tour for about three or four days, I got to do an event in Gettysburg on the 20 I forget what it is 23rd 24th 25th 25th, something like that. Why would Trump allow this? The lies, the CDC bullshit, the NIH. And were Im 24 years old, and and many of the other young women technicians who were, you know, either pregnant or married, you know, we know nothing about this. And in this battle, when youre more over the target, theres two things that are happening. So I worked in medicine, why I made these drugs I made therapeutics in strat and curative strategies both from the plants both from in targeted therapies for 22 years im not against making drugs i made those drugs but you dont use them wrong like you used with hydroxychloroquine published fraudulent paper oh wait a minute after it turns out to work same thing with suramin in in 2015 suramin isnt as an anti retroviral therapy and its a natural its not a natural its just 100 year old synthetic drug made by monsanto or bayer now owned by monsanto african sleeping sickness while a double blind placebo controlled study in 2015 showed oh wait a minute people with x mrv and autism they got their life back they started talking again what did bayer and the government do take it away from everybody when i did clinical trials and they end and patients responded well to a drug they stopped the study and gave the drug to everybody so youre right its a murder machine and it goes on everythings about denying the contaminants the animal viruses not limited to and bacteria think of chronic lyme disease you know its not lyme connecticut named after a place the limes are in my glass most of the time and you know this is you know its borrelia its its borrelia and babesia mycoplasma mold all those things that were associated with herpes viruses that were going through the needle in these shots or as a part of a contaminated blood supply so these were the people getting sick and and and the governments been lying to you so you know i i get on this plane and it and i only thought about this part in retrospect because so i get on the plane and you know and im laughing as i look at the and ive got the mask on and im not thinking about it because ive worn it on to other flights you know one with robert f kennedy jr one with reverend tony muhammad of the nation of islam and no im not thinking about it normally im a bit tense thinking im going to have to do the mass game and in this time i was just i was just working im just going to a conference im excited about teaching the doctors because i know the doctors want to help their patients so i get on she she says good morning and hands me the toxic and sanitizer you know then i say you know and im probably looking at my phone and i say no thank you good morning no thank you and i go take my seat which is to d and i put my my backpack up in the overhead my briefcase right next to the window and my see she comes behind me and says and says youre not wearing that mask and i turned around literally incredulous i may pardon me i didnt say sorry i wont say that either, 42:59 But with all that being said, thats pretty much all I have for you guys tonight. So Ill leave that alone. Because theyre trying to, you know, to try to say theyre infiltrators, they got to attack you or for whatever reason, because your your message is resonating. And Im going to click live stream on it. Its it says triple A or man mesh. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. Theyre using this COVID bio weapon attack, to hurt us into the pen. Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. Whiplash Notes - March 6, 2023 hey how are you all like its all i can say is its like i feel like i need to bow down or be wearing a tie or something you married this woman like holy mary mother god if shes his stuff i cant imagine what its like, 1:08:14 However, I supported 100% 100%. And you can see for yourself, we had I put out yesterday, two videos one and two, with Mickey clan, and she did a great dissertation on tying biblical prophecy and a number of things into the movements. 0:20 movie theater where we were seeing Tim Cook diesels film with them. Yeah. But when she came forward and outed what these criminals do, how they do it, from the HIV era, how they will take scientists, high level scientists, and if they dont tow the Big Pharma line, or wherever the kazarian game plan is, theyll destroy their career that never get published, dont ever become prominent. We also discuss SPACE FORCE and the complexities of the battle for human freedom. for hundreds of years we are free with the god given rights and we shall not deal and write to any power on earth, 1:15:57 I went to get that up this weekend with him on Friday. I was just asked to an my I cant think of Mikes name shoots out of shadows. You can have HIV and never get AIDS. You may breathe fumes. Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay & Michael Jaco: 2023 is the Year of the Takedown of the Deep State. Like, come on, Scott, my own thoughts talking myself, like, hmm, after a period of time, say how can I possibly know these things, you know, when I havent had any background or experience in some of this stuff, just putting it out there. Im so pissed off about what was done not just to anybody, but specifically you and Ben for the reasons why and I want to I want to go right into that real fast. So that weekend, we will be having an event here in Dallas on the tour. The strongest person is always used in their brain is like that, like in a room, the person that knows the least they know what the loudest, right? For the following specific reasons, time crystals mining, on site phone on development, sequencing and lithium mining. I always have the tomahawk on the left shoulder. Im like, Well, you know what? Id like to see if a guy like that a coward like that would bring something like that to the guy like Mike Jayco Yeah, take him off the plane like that. They are used worldwide: Im not going anywhere Dont you dare touch me and dont you judge my phone is as the other one whos behind me the all only all way and all I can see is that hes got dark hair and they get on this plane and and so he I start until finally he comes to attack me And I unbuckle my seatbelt and I say Im getting up, you know and and he grabbed me by the left arm and Im wearing this jacket, by the way, almost is exactly what I got on a professional. I go into the gate area. I said about the weak. Patriot Streetfighter - Telegram And if I can any cities or locations that I miss on this tour, and I know some of our you know, followers would like were like disappointed that Im not going to be there at that particular stop those points. Not here Yeah, exactly. The police chief youre gonna want to hear tonight tomorrow night. Because I cannot breathe out of my nose. 1:40 And police officers, you need to remember that oath. but when we start looking at all this when we look at history lest we forget it you know that you know then it was the the gays the you know the iv drug users the prostitutes the the so called what what i call the original deplorables you know to use killer ease term and you know and and and now when we get away with that when we get away with a bola and i mean they get away with a bola in 2014 what was that oh Fauci standing next to obama covering up that the mmr vaccine that uh that a criminal whistleblower a coward dr william thompson you know literally participated in a data burning party and was so afraid he might be arrested if he threw away federally protected data you know my student max secure that federally protected data and we showed every bit of data since 2011 you know under threat of death escaping the first chapter of our book plague of corruption occurred 10 days before i was arrested and its called scientist at sea where we outsmarted them and escaped on a boat and were hiding out for five days thing you know thinking when i got a lawyer i was safe so ive learned a lot since then and and and itll serve me well with this latest arrest because im not playing that game anymore were not playing that game anymore you know i will not be silent i will not let them do you know whatever they want and hold me and keep me from traveling and keep me from telling the truth i was headed to the medical academy of pediatrics special needs to give a talk where on my computer i show the dangers of electron micrograph showing nano carbon fibers showing as best as light fibers showing the toxic fluoride the toxic organophosphates the things that here in california are illegal via prop 65 and this is the mask the flight attendant attempted to have be put she said i dont care if you wear it over your mask but youre gonna say, 29:18 You know calls in the police. 2. 1:12:59 So youre going to want to hear this because this is going to be a powerful message from law enforcement tonight and I and theres a number of you other good people in the blue, that are gonna want to listen to this yourself because I believe that you people were in that blue were in that shield, the rank and file warrior warriors out there in the street trying to keep the world safe America safe, other countries safe. Anybody I should say in our world. Put it on my counter before I left that 15 or 20 stacked up there. This Tomahawk wielding 'Patriot Streetfighter' is terrorizing school
Savage Lundy Trail In Devil's Gulch, Articles S