Prior to his passing sentence, Judge Conlin asked Collins if he wished to address the court before mandatory life sentencing was imposed. I remember her telling us how shocked the aunt was at the arrest and how hard she found it to believe that her nephew was involved. [48], Investigators found no definite evidence Basom had been subjected to a sexual assault prior to her murder. ", But, a "cop car pulled through the driveway and he got nervous.". Norman Collins (1967-1969) aka "The Michigan Murderer" was a 30-year old resident of Ypsilanti, Michigan, and he killed 7 female students at Eastern Michigan University using a variety of methods -- guns, knives, blunt instruments, strangulation. I didn't even know his name at the time," Larry said. The increase in frequency in which the killer was striking throughout the spring and summer of 1969coupled with the fact most victims had been connected to the University of Michigan or Eastern Michigan University, suggesting the killer may be a fellow studentfurther compounded the concerns of female students. "I looked at her for a moment. Collins then offers a similar account, but in more detail, that he gave the detectives. The perpetrator, John Norman Chapman (then known as John Norman Collins) was arrested one week after the final murder. I hope some day it will be corrected; second, I never knew a girl named Karen Sue Beineman; I never had a conversation with her. When questioned Collins claimed that he was with his mother at the time in Centerline, MI and it was probably just a case of mistaken identity. I grew up in YPSI. Several of these wounds had punctured her lungs, liver and carotid artery, with one additional wound inflicted behind her left ear fracturing her skull. Perkons testified as to his belief that the hair samples retrieved from Beineman's panties were of a "different origin" than the hair samples retrieved from the Leiks' basement,[140] whereas Golub stated that because he had found only one single fiber upon the victim's panties, the likelihood of her undergarments accumulating these hairs from a basement was extremely remote. [81] Reportedly, Beineman herself insisted Goshe observe the man with whom she had accepted a ride, stating that she had made two foolish errors in her life: purchasing a wig; and accepting a ride from a stranger,[82] before stating: "I've got to be either the bravest or the dumbest girl alive, because I've just accepted a ride from this guy." Then we googled the address and the Michigan Murders popped up. Three days later it was discovered, and this set a strange sequence of events into effect that would eventually lead to the capture of who many had dubbed the "Ypsilanti Ripper.". Wow, Kim, this does bring back memories. Evidently, despite Collins' protestations of innocence and denials of even knowing Karen Sue Beineman, she had been in the basement of Collins' uncle at the time of, shortly before, or shortly after her murder.[68]. In 1967, John Norman Collins lived in a rental about one block south of EMUs campus. Maryann Struman is Freep Now director at the Detroit Free Press and project leader. After hearing six hours of testimony from nine prosecution witnesses, Judge Edward Deake ruled that probable cause had been established, and Collins was formally ordered to stand trial for Beineman's murder.[73]. He tries to give his cousin a glimpse of prison life. On August 18, investigators announced that all significant leads had been exhausted, and that the number of officers assigned to investigate the case had been reduced. Though he was only charged with this final murder, he is considered responsible for six othersincluding that of Mary Terese Fleszar. The following evening, Davis observed Collins emerging from his bedroom carrying a box partially covered by a blanket. [60], By July 1969, as a result of the coordinated investigation into the killings, more than 1,000 convicted sex offenders had been investigated and eliminated as suspects; over 800 tips from informants had been actively investigated; and several thousand individuals routinely interviewed. In response to defense questioning, Sgt. She had received extensive skull and brain injuries which had been inflicted with a blunt instrument, had been forced to ingest a caustic substance,[58] and her neck, shoulders, nipples and breasts had been burned with the same caustic agent. Loretta Chapman, an American, then moved with her three children across the Detroit River. Each testified on August 6. One reason, Collins says, is because, in prison, snitches and rats are killed. She said they stopped for a moment and he asked her "What would you say if I told you I was the coed killer?" [80], Upon retracing Beineman's movements on the day of her disappearance, police questioned the proprietor of the wig shop Beineman had visited immediately prior to her disappearance, Diana Joan Goshe. When the killer had not been found in two years, the public outcry was became intense. He was held without bond. Copyright 11826 Caminito Rihely. Upon questioning Collins' co-workers, investigators learned that Collins had repeatedly taken delight in describing, in graphic detail, details of the injuries inflicted upon each successive victim linked to the Michigan Murderer to his female colleagues;[19] he had claimed these details had been provided to him by an uncle of his named David Leik, who served as a sergeant in the police force. [66], Despite recovering numerous stolen items from his apartment and being informed by Arnold Davis that Collins had been in the habit of committing burglaries with a former roommate of theirs named Andrew Manuel,[100] no incriminating evidence linking Collins to Beineman or any victim of the Michigan Murders was discovered, although officers were informed by Arnold Davis on this date of the incident two days earlier in which he (Davis) had observed Collins carrying a laundry box containing women's clothing and jewelry from his apartment and towards his car. Letters, interviews reveal dark side. Before Collins left the Golden State, he saw a doctor for a case of poison oak. Frank Witsil is a staff writer at the Detroit Free Press. John Norman Collins Known variously as "The Michigan Coed Killer" and the "Ypsilanti Ripper," Collins was a student at Eastern Michigan University convicted of raping and murdering at least one female student and suspected of killing eight or more. Your site is great and detailed really nice.In 2003 I actually live in the house right behind Mary Flezlar appartment we never understood why we always heard females crying and yelling. Mrs. Collins, incensed at the implication, immediately dismissed Ryan from the case. At the time of his arrest, hishigh school girlfriend, Burnadetta Hudak, describedCollins aspolitewith "manners galore," opening the door for a ladyand standing when a woman or older personentered the room. [50] She had been accompanied part of the way by a friend named Earl Kidd, who informed police he and Basom had parted company at a desolate road just five blocks from her home,[51] where Basom had begun walking alone alongside railroad tracks toward her home. Upon cross-examination, Dr. Guinn did agree with defense attorney Neil Fink that a statistical analysis of hair mixtures had never been attempted in a court of law,[136] although he remained firm that his applications had been performed via scientific principles. "He starts shaking.". he was in the same building as me interesting is now because I just moved to ypsi and live four blocks from where he did. John Norman Collins was born on the 17th of June, 1947. ", "Pretty soon, John started crying," the former sheriff said. Although investigators had informally exchanged information with agencies from other jurisdictions on an irregular basis since the previous summer, no coordination to combine efforts and resources had ensued until the discovery of the third victim definitely linked to the series. Eric Schroeder, 54, said inextensive interviews with the Free Press. [152], Between 1972 and 1976, Collins appealed his murder conviction on four further occasions; citing contentions that the Michigan Murders had received extensive media publicity in Washtenaw County, and that five separate motions for change of venue had been submitted by the defense counsel (two of which had been filed throughout the actual jury selection process) upon the grounds of pretrial publicity minimizing any chance of obtaining an unbiased jury in Washtenaw County. The circumstances surrounding this case prevented me from getting a fair trial. The first known victim linked to the Michigan Murderer was a 19-year-old Eastern Michigan University accounting student named Mary Terese Fleszar,[8] who was last seen alive on the evening of July 9, 1967, by a neighbor walking towards her Ypsilanti apartment. Collins sayshe didn't expect the 2013 letters"would become such a 'FOCAL POINT'after 50 years," and accuses Fournier of using his cousinto "dig-up some dirt on me" and garner media attention for himself. A look at five of Michigan's serial killers and their crimes The car had Michigan plates. Collins lived at end of our block on Emmett St and he used to speed by on his motorcycle and wave to us--we thought he was soooooo coolalmost James Dean like! Beineman, she said, went in the store,purchased a brown hairpiece, and left with Collins on his motorcycle. [139], Dr. Jervis' conclusions were supported by a private consultant named Auseklis Perkons, and a Massachusetts-based Director of Forensic Research named Samuel Golub. "Okay John, let me give you a little prelude to the 'STORY'that ended with me in here for the past 45 yrs. The apartments have a perfect view of Dawn's home. "That was tough on Leik. It sentstate police looking atthe other unsolved cases. Oh, wait! The prosecution was therefore limited to questioning Davis with regards to whether the contents of this box included women's clothing and jewelry, without specifically describing any particular item. Living with Mom, and then moved into the basement of his uncle's house. I was in Ypsi when all this was happening. [3] Although Schell had been dead for several days, her entire lower body was in a remarkably preserved condition, whereas her head, shoulders and breasts were in an advanced state of decomposition, leading the pathologist to conclude her body had been stored in a naturally cool environment, but with the upper third of her body exposed to natural heat. Her underwear had been inserted into the area of her vagina - which police say was one of the killer's signatures. Collins was ready to confess, but without a witness, the former sheriff said itmight not stick. he writes. "He was probably 20 or 30 pounds heavier that I was. Chapman said he is convinced of his cousin'sguilt, and in his last letters,hewas"confessing by not really confessing. Sex Slayer Could be Anyone! [110] Several of Phillips' personal possessions would later be found strewn along State Route 68.[111][112]. Five different police agencies frantically searched for Karen Sue Beinemanon July 23, 1969. David Leik, had refused to divulge the blood type(s) of his family to defense attorneys. Moreover, this search had also uncovered small bloodstains in nine areas of the basement. The killer, a charismatic, athletic E.M.U. Through interviewing acquaintances of Phillips, investigators established that she had been introduced to the individual she had referred to as "John from Michigan" through a 17-year-old friend named Nancy Ann Albrecht, who informed police she had herself become acquainted with Collins on June 29, and that she had mentioned her friend (Phillips) to Collins on this date. When Mathewson questioned Collins on July 25 as to his movements two days earlier, he admitted that on the date in question he had been riding his Triumph Bonneville in the vicinity, and that he had stopped to converse with a former girlfriend of his while doing so (the point at which Mathewson had observed him). However, they acknowledged, DNA did lead to a plea ina nearly30-year-old murder of a Californiateen. She chose the car. Two of these bloodstains[75] were discovered to be type Athe blood type of Karen Sue Beineman.
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