However, before her death, Lakshmi mentioned that she received aid from Osiris, explaining how she got her hands on Vex technology, leading the Vanguard to conduct an investigation into Osiris, who fled after the coup had failed. Saladin commanded the city's southern walls from the Fallen assault, which nearly overwhelmed the Guardian's defences several times. She ordered him to turn around and show the rest of the gathered Iron Lords, shocking them, and Efrideet walked back to her comrades and informed him that he would not be allowed to continue using the Ghost in such a manner and would need to put it out of its misery. Saladin advocated eliminating Caiatl so that they could simply mop up the remaining Cabal in the resulting chaos, but Zavala believed that would lower them to their foe's level while Osiris doubted the Empress would fall so easily. He dodged her question about why he did not trust her and rebuffed her interest in joining the Iron Lords by declaring that he was searching for more than just Lightbearers who could shoot. Shaxx may have once been Lord Saladin's student, but he was by no means weaker than his teacher. Maybe when the other iron lords fell he survived but his ghost did not? The two play board games together to sharpen their tactical acumen and maintain their friendship. . Forgive me if I'm wrong, but doesn't he trailer say the Iron Lords existed before the Guardians, and therefore wouldn't have had ghosts? Play nice. . But how would be have been revived then? and something else for Crow, stating if he is half as smart as he think he is, he will find it. Saladin and Efrideet I know. Their demise and Efrideet's disappearance caused many in the Last City to assume she had perished as well. Also i thought it was badass that Lord Saladin rushed into battle against SIVA Fallen knowing now that he has no Ghost,and his next death will be his last. Notable info: Former Iron Banner handler. However, since becoming a Bracus, many of the Cabal would disagree to Saladin's addition to the War Council, being challenged six times in a Rite of Proving. He was using a torch in the trailer instead of his ghost and never has a ghost next to him when he is on the tower, where as all the vanguard guys/gal and Shaxx (crucible) have their ghosts next to them. Saladin conceded that Lord Radegast was planning a head-on assault, shocking Efrideet due to the nearly hundred civilians living in the fortress who could be caught in the crossfire. Edit He leaves the Tower with Caiatl, but he's allowed to keep his role in running the Iron Banner as the empress is interested in the Guardian tradition, stating she has some interesting ideas. " No statue for me, I see?" "The statues are for the dead, and I always hoped you weren't among them. [4] Efrideet's aim proved true and Saladin destroyed the Walker, saving Patch Run. To prepare the site for the Guardian's arrival, Saladin sent a force of his Iron War Beasts, Cabal he had personally trained, to secure the Temple. After returning to Felwinter Peak, Efrideet listened as Felwinter revealed his true reason for wanting to secure Shaxx's stronghold: a Seraph Bunker beneath the fortress that contained clues to where the Warmind Rasputin was hiding valuable Golden Age technology. Saladin befriended three other Risen who did not follow the Warlord's path; Radegast, Jolder, and Perun. He turned towards the town and informed her that it had forty-three inhabitants, only half of whom were capable of fighting. Specifically in the fight to turn over his territory to the Iron Lords. Players learn about enemies and why they are doing certain missions from the voice-over of whoever has sent them on that mission. [10], Several weeks later Efrideet and Saladin led an army of Iron Lords to Shaxx's mountain stronghold, having put down the Devil activity in the Cosmodrome. He was one of the founders of the Iron Lords and helped end the Dark Age of Risen Warlords to establish the City Age. However, he asked her to repeat what she thought he said. Saladin believes in the code the Iron Lords stood for in using their Traveler-given abilities to protect and serve, not to conquer as the Warlords did. The Iron Lords would have Ghosts. Much more friendly, open and humorous than her more serious old friend, Saladin Forge, Efrideet is nonetheless a proud member of the Iron Lords and is dedicated to preserving their legacy. Due to his history of combating the Fallen, they hoped he would appeal to their line of thinking and offered him to retake the position of Vanguard Commander but to their dismay, Saladin rebuffed their offer as he still trusts in Zavala and Ikora's decisions. Well Bungie added a nice little tid bit, saying that he might have since become a Guardian. She then listened to her old friend's concerns about the Guardians being blinded by the awakening of the Traveler and forgetting the lessons they learned from the loss of their Light.[16]. [8], Amongst the Risen who joined the ranks of the Iron Lords was Silimar, an old friend of Saladin. Saladin agreed with the plan but declared that he expected that all Felwinter would do is buy them time to deal with the Fallen and then return in force. It's possible that he doesn't have one at all, hence why there are only 3 Iron Lords left. He ordered the Young Wolf back to battlefields to prove that true honor rested with the Vanguard. Edit: Shaxx is not an Iron Lord. [4], Having joined the Iron Lords, Efrideet participated in their campaign against the Warlords. The Guardian brings this awful truth to the Vanguard and during the meeting, Saladin, along with nearly everyone else, is left speechless. Few games have lore as deep as Destiny does. Idle Dialogue, The Tower | Lord Saladin: "Killing a Ghost Is - YouTube [5], At some point during Warlord Conflict, Efrideet and Saladin encountered an Ahamkara. As she and Saladin left their comrade to his work, Efrideet expressed surprise that Saladin did not know that Felwinter was an oathbreaker and that was why Radegast hated him. We going to be Mortal? [31], A captured Psion was soon brought to the Last City for interrogation, which Saladin was asked to take over once Osiris's more subtle approaches failed. Saladin ultimately has one more conversation with Crow, who deeply regrets that Saladin now has to pay the price for his actions, stating it should have been himself, that he could have died for something he had believed in. Does Lord Saladin Have a Ghost? : r/DestinyTheGame As his prisoner struggled, Saladin demanded to know more about the data they stole, how they had crafted the Light-dampening tech, and where the rest of the Psion cell was. He noted that the remnants of the Red Legion sought to earn Caiatl's favour through the Rite and that that would exploit that by challenging every contender for the Empress's War Council and prevent any seats from being filled, preventing the Cabal from reorganizing and starting another full-scale war. This page was last edited on February 1, 2023, at 19:58. along the way, he got into a battle with risen thugs that ended in a draw. A fitting title if there ever was one. To combat this threat, Ikora Rey had the Guardians reach out to the one being that could help: Mithrax of the House of Light. They confronted him when Segoth arrived at the village to punish the citizens for sheltering the Iron Lords, holding higher ground as Segoth and eight of his followers arrived on Pikes in a narrow pass that only allowed three to approach at a time. Despite these views, Saladin refused to be swayed by fears and political schemes, as he refused Lakshmi and Hideo's offer to become the new leader of the Vanguard as he still trusts the judgement of Zavala and Ikora. However, she did wish to discuss a previous conversation they had about the Speaker's search for a potential successor. In addition, to the Empress's recommendation, Saladin organized a tournament similar to the Iron Banner for the Cabal, even calling the contestants his "Iron War Beasts", which quickly became popular amongst the cabal. Destiny: Ranking The Top 10 Funniest Lore Entries - TheGamer He tried once more to convince the Commander otherwise, but Zavala interrupted him and thanked Saladin for his cooperation before departing. ". The Guardian managed to located Osiris in the Reef but found to their horror that the Osiris that had aided the Vanguard in the Cabal armistice and in the Endless Night was actually Savathn herself, having taken the warlock's form not long after he lost his Light against the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath. Saladin recently also displays distaste for Osiris due to his infamous exile of the Last City, and also further explains that it was Ikora Rey who reformed the Warlock order, not Osiris. As they spoke, a Fallen Skiff roared by and dropped a Walker into the field between the village and bunker. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Zavala was unsure that all of Caiatl's followers would accept such a challenge, but Saladin warned that they might also lose and warned that he did not believe Caiatl would thank them for their diplomacy while holding a knife to their throat. [7] Saladin was amongst the most honored of the lords and frequently joined his comrades in combating the warlords by defending towns under their control. That indicates it's possible for the living to become Guardians, so long as a Ghost deems them worthy. Osiris cut in and noted that he of all people should recognize stubbornness, causing Saladin to relent and begin to admire the Psion for their bravery and refusal to betray their people. Lady Efrideet and Lord Saladin [1] Lady Efrideet is a female Hunter, and the youngest of the Iron Lords. However, the two great Titans have differing personalities and philosophies- Saladin's brutal pragmatism, ruthless self-reliance, and deep-seated trauma from the loss of his fellow Iron Lords often lead him to be mistrustful and cold, and he views sacrifice and death as a necessary part of any protracted conflict. Iron Banner is back again for Season 13 of Destiny 2 with a quest called Saladin's Gauntlet. The event was originally overseen by Lord Saladin prior to the Rise of Iron expansion, however it is now watched over by Lady Efrideet.Her stock includes new shaders, emblems, and high-end weapons and armor, which can be purchased for Glimmer and Legendary Marks, given that the Guardian's Iron Banner rank is high enough.She offers Iron Banner bounties which give . Felwinter announced that Shaxx had accepted his challenge to one-on-one combat, but Efrideet was skeptical of his plan due as no Iron Lord or Warlord had ever bested the Titan. Shax has one, but it's different from everyone else's. After sitting out of the Red War due to lacking his Light, Saladin watched for several years as the Vanguard struggled against new threats and the Arrival of the Black Fleet. Saladin listened in despair as Osiris convinced Zavala to go through with the plan by placing their faith in the Young Wolf and their fireteam. As they defeated the Warlords and liberated humanity's survivors from their rule, they assisted a growing City underneath the Traveler. Efrideet left Earth and joined a group of Lightbearers at an undisclosed location to explore new ways to use the Light without violence. Saladin argues for the greater good; the Vanguard has a responsibility to protect Earth and her . As the battle turned against the Vanguard, Saladin ordered all fireteams to retreat to the Ridgeback District and to halt all advances, believing that the City was lost. Alongside Radegast and Perun, he travelled to a village ruled by Warlord Segoth. [34], Although Saladin disagreed with the plan, he was pleased that at last they had found some way to potentially break the stalemate and take decisive action. Saladin eventually began to host Iron Banner events in the Last City's Crucible as a memorial to the sacrifices of the Iron Lords and to remind Guardians of their legacy. He remembers staring out the window at flurries of snow for what felt like a very long time but could only have been a few minutes. Worse however, they find that Savathn revealed herself and to the Guardian's horror, the Witch Queen gained control over the Light along with her forces, the Lucent Brood, even having their own Ghosts. You are not allowed to view this content. The fourth was the poor Ghost having a borderline mental breakdown because of all the psychic fuckery. You are now truly an Iron Lord. Sometime after the fall of the iron lords, Saladin was tracking the origin point of a broadcasted signal. Iron Banner | Destiny Wiki | Fandom He is bad enough to be a guardian:) that war axe <3 truly a beautiful weapon. Unamused, the Warlord ordered them to leave and declared the people there his, but they refused to abandon the civilians to his rule. Wu Ming quickly changed the topic and asked what she was doing later, and as she quickly grabbed and downed a drink from behind the bar Efrideet revealed that the Iron Lords were going to assault a group of Fallen causing trouble at Boyle Pass, sarcastically asking if he wished to join. Apparently he does have one. Briefing the Young Wolf, he ordered them to continue disrupting Cabal operations after the offer was transmitted to Caiatl, who had yet to respond. A replica of Saladin's battle axe was created by the blacksmith company Sword and the Stone. He first sends reinforcements to Guardians in the EDZ that were ambushed by Lucent Hive, leading to a general being captured. I guess he keeps it in his backpack, like we do. However, Saladin's Guardian powers, combined with his great skill at combat, enabled him to rise to the rank of Valus. Cancel The bartender refused but asked if she wished to dance before leaving, which she refused. [26] Although Ixel was eliminated, three other Psions escaped with Vex data. Saladin briefed the Young Wolf on the situation and was concerned that Ixel could give the Cabal the advantage over them or possibly unleash destruction on everyone by messing with Vex technology. However, though Savathn had been defeated, her Lucent Brood remained a threat. By comparison, Zavala's resolve and purpose, while emblematic of any Titan, are tempered by a somewhat more forgiving view of humanity and the other denizens of the Sol system. Efrideet then hoped that they had another plan other than assaulting the mountain once the Devil uprising had been put down, but Saladin stated that Shaxx was forcing their hand and that they could not risk other Warlords who would be less careful attack first. Also where would a non-light filled human acquire the ability to wield light without one? [16] Despite the City being saved, Saladin remained furious with Shaxx for disobeying his orders during the middle of battle. "Saladin," his Ghost had said, sounding like it spoke from the end of a very long, very wide tunnel. All Guardians were once dead. Being a Guardian means being a servant to the Vanguard/Tower/City. Take a minute to review our Code of Conduct before submitting your post. Efrideet questioned if he had any ammo remaining, but Saladin stated he had only the Light but the Fallen were out of range and they would have to climb down. She refused to believe that their commander truly intended to go through with the assault, but Saladin noted that Radegast was tired of fighting, but Efrideet did not believe that was a good excuse. When the House of Devils uncovered SIVA and unleashed it upon the Cosmodrome, Saladin worked with The Young Wolf to end the threat of SIVA for good and begin a new generation of Iron Lords. Intel pulled from it's mind leads to the Cosmodrome, where Light drained from Guardians was being stored and refined for a ritual. Efrideet suggested she may have changed her mind and asked if she could throw him again. His former pupil reminded him this was not an easy decision, but Osiris noted it might be an inevitable one due to the proud nature of the Cabal and that further escalation could put the City at risk. Osiris agrees with the plan and Ana speaks with Lord Saladin, who while wary of the Warmind, agrees to allow them access to Felspring's remains within the Iron Temple. [15] Shaxx and his fireteam were able to hold their position on the Wall at Twilight Gap long enough for Saladin and Zavala to regroup the rest of their forces for a counterattack that drove the Fallen back and saved the Last City. Consulting with Osiris on the Vex, Saladin came to understand that the Cabal gaining Vex technology could end poorly for humanity. Zavala convinces her to aid the Vanguard in fighting back against the Lucent Brood, and Saladin, originally skeptical of an alliance with the Cabal but sickened to see the Hive wield the Light, oversees a joint Vanguard-Cabal operation to capture Lucent Brood leaders for Psions to interrogate. Saladin entered the building and found Fera, now a grown woman and a packmaster. Efrideet noted that the local Warlords would respect that, although they were all needed to join a concentrated strike against the House of Devils in the Cosmodrome. This would prove to be a wise decision on Saladin's part, as the House of Salvation intercepted their communications and learned of their plan, sending a raid force to destroy or acquire Felspring's remains. Her enclave then contacted her, as they felt the return of the Light as well. [8] As the three Warlords surrounded her, Efrideet declared that both Felwinter Peak and the End of the World were Iron Lord territory, but Citan threatened that he had an army and a fireteam of Risen prepared to take it from them and that Felwinter would pay for joining them. [27], The following week, Saladin briefed the Young Wolf once more, noting that the Cabal had returned to the battlegrounds on Nessus, Europa, and the Cosmodrome and that they would be there to meet them. Saladin conducted his interrogation in a cell within the City's wall that overlooked the wilderness outside the City. Unlike the rest of her compatriots, she did not . does lord saladin have a ghost - [15], During the first Dawning following the liberation of the Last City, Efrideet contacted Tyra Karn. When Efrideet did, he stated that he would love to dance with her. Keith Ferguson (born February 26, 1972) is an American voice actor. and our [36] Saladin remained angry at how the conflict ended and was convinced the armistice would be broken by Caiatl. Create Fireteam Should a player obtain a "We Ran Out of Medals" medal in an Iron Banner match in. Lady Efrideet is a female Hunter, and the youngest of the Iron Lords. They wished each other a happy Dawning, and Efrideet offered an ornament for Tyra's ship as a Dawning gift but was told to give it to the ship's current owner, as Tyra no longer wished to travel the stars. 50 years later, Saladin visited Kepre's village again. He declared only a fool would continue to rebuild a tower that kept being destroyed. Can confirm he has one, one of the last cut scenes it highlights stone carvings within the Iron Temple. [35] The plan ultimately worked, and Caiatl's champion Ignovun fell to the Young Wolf and their fireteam. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the policies documented at, Our policies have recently changed. Her enclave cut off communication during the crisis, so Efrideet joined the resistance against the Red Legion in the guise of a refugee and participated in the assault to reclaim the Last City and kill Ghaul. Upon hearing that Saladin Forge and several other Lightbearers were banding together in a new organization dedicated to stopping the fighting between Risen Warlords, Efrideet sought out Saladin to request permission to join them. How did Iron Lords have Guardian powers? > Destiny - As Segoth revived, one of his bullets struck Radegast in the head, and Saladin provided covering fire for Perun to help his Ghost revive the Iron Lords leader. He admitted that they were under constant attack from a Fallen House in a nearby bunker that he routinely assaulted in hopes of driving them away, but so far nothing had worked. Saladin confronts Fera about the massacre and is disgusted to discover that she has become the area's warlord and has bled the village dry. The Rezyl Azzir card "Before These Walls" touches on that when it points out that Rezyl was what would eventually become known as Titan. Joining him on this task force was Vanguard Advisor Osiris, now Lightless since the loss of his Ghost Sagira, a new Hunter known as The Crow for reconnaissance, and Amanda Holliday to fly mission support. [9], The efforts of the Iron Lords allowed the creation of The Last City under the protection of the Traveler. Lord Saladin wants you to head into his special version of the Crucible once more with your best . Ward . He is known for his voice work as Bloo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Basch fon Ronsenburg from Final Fantasy XII, Marluxia from Kingdom Hearts, Lord Hater from Wander Over Yonder, Lord Saladin from Destiny and Destiny 2 and Reaper from Overwatch.He also provides a number of sound-alike portrayals, including . A few weeks ago, we witnessed an argument between Crow and Lord Saladin that outlined the ethical dilemma. Or is it that we can become Iron Lords through heroic Deeds like they did. Keith Ferguson (voice actor) - Wikipedia Iron Lords do have ghosts (you see Saladin's ghost in the cutscenes) and are brought back from the dead by what Saladin calls the travellers gift. To be a Guardian you have to have a ghost. Efrideet noted there was no dignity in letting the entire village die either. Despite the Nightmare's words, Saladin refused to give in. He questioned if that mission was why she wished to leave the City, reminding her that she had been the one to bring him there, but Efrideet noted that while she was glad to have done that she could no longer continue fighting and wished to find a new way forward. He was unexpectedly joined by Efrideet, a Lightbearer whom he did not entirely trust. Much like his own students, Saladin has a prideful, stubborn streak, as he normally doesn't back down from a fight and doesn't apologize easily. The Iron Lords probably fit in a similar situation. Taking a position on a rooftop with her sniper rifle, she killed 216 Cabal with 199 shots. She briefly returned to Earth and assumed Lord Saladin Forge's responsibility of serving as the handler of the Iron Banner until the Red War. He was heavily against the armistice with the Cabal, wishing to eradicate the enemies of humanity, and now calling against the Vanguard allying with the House of Light, made other Guardians to view him as a warmonger. She found him atop a cliff near the small village of Patch Run and assisted him in dispatching a group of Fallen, but the two ran out of ammunition during the fight. It's suicide to fight without a Ghost to revive you. The in-game lore is just the tip of the iceberg. He also ordered them to claim any Cabal gold or treasures left behind in the aftermath to deprive their foe of resources and strengthen the Vanguard's forces. Astonished by how much currency the bar owner had and wondering where he got it, Wu Ming noted that if she stuck with him she would get rich, but asked where Felwinter was. She informed him that Felwinter had provided evidence that all the Warlords he murdered had killed Ghosts, civilians, and other crimes that broke the Iron Decree but had never requested permission for any of his executions. As the Ghosts fled, she told them to tell the other Warlords to stay away from Felwinter Peak. Since the original Iron Lords were not Guardians. Efrideet dropped to one knee as the Warlord behind her tried to shoot her in the head, causing them to miss and instead hit Citan in the chest. Felwinter explained it was a Warlord's Ghost and had proven useful, but Efrideet was backed up by Saladin.
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