Just remember this is not a customer service line, and if you take your frustration with the website out on them, they will hang up on you. crossed last Friday. :( Thank you. You should contact the hire firm and get the number plate. He called me to ask me to pay, I put his registration in and it was confirmed the make, model and colour of his vehicle. The latter may also have made an honest mistake or may not have understood the system and the appeal system is there to sort them out from the chancers. The one time I travel over the crossing in May I see no signs about paying a toll and now my friend whose address I use for my UK car emails me to say I have a fine! But on 20 July they posted me penalty charge notice, with no mention of a 14-day period! 2023 Guide, Statute-Barred Debt Time Limits, Your Rights & 2023 Laws, Debt Relief Orders Explained and 2023 Criteria. However, before the bailiffs can be instructed, the following statutory enforcement documents must be sent to you. Not to mention, the traffic that still exists at the toll northbound, they make you wait and then they make you pay for it. Hi Chloe Any driver hoping to make a note is therefore forced to do so whilst driving, which must surely amount to the commission of a motoring offence (driving without due care and attention). I am extremely upset as I thought it was all sorted back in January, I cannot understand how they can fine me this amount 12 months after my crossing. Lloyds would pay the UK Govt taxes on their profit for this sum so I decided this year to none renew my business with the UK. making a representation. Choose when I arrive5. A Dart Charge PCN is just simply a 70 penalty issued to you for not paying the river. After checking with the TfL website, entering QE II bridge, the name that is given for the crossing on Google maps, I could find no evidence for a charge. First the Lendal Bridge in York, now the Dart crossing. I just assumed that as there were no booths that theyd finally seen sense and dropped the charge. I didnt even know about those charges as it was my first trip around London. While on holiday in France, I read that first time users of the crossing were being given 14 days to pay in view of the unsatisfactory arrangements for collecting payments (source http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-30633955): I called their help centre and was informed that I couldnt make the payment and will get a penalty for 70.00, no ifs or buts, just tough luck. If the charge notices received a location whilst in town came round to share buttons below to be charged at the. I have never driven through the Dartford crossing as I do not even know where it is!! but typed in car reg as a o not a 0, now have to pay 107. With your consent MoneyNerd may pass you on to a trusted debt counselling company or insolvency practitioner. Hello Can you scan (photograph) the PCN and send it to me on pete@aph.com? How do i deal with this situation? Yes its known on the east side of London wider publicity is not available and you need to actively search to find out how the system works. Ive realised today is 11 days since I forgotten to pay the crossing. Until the 31st of March 2016!!! Clearly looking through the comments and elsewhere on the internet, there are problems with the system. I think you have answered your own question there. In many circumstances, parking tickets are not enforceable. The window for payment contained in the Regulations is very short, and motorists can often have perfectly understandable reasons for paying late often, as in this case, by using the crossing in order to embark on a longer journey, during which payment may be understandably difficult. I have used the crossing several times and remembered to pay later that day but forgot one time and remembered 3 days later. The whole system has been designed and set up to catch out motorists. I know the UK Govt doesnt care but at least I feel I had a way to strike back! Hi It is still active and should include the second one according to the slightly unclear wording on the official rules.Pay both now and you should be fine. I crossed a few weeks backI havent had any penalty notice, can i try and find out if its been lost in the post or ?? Please find enclosed evidence to this effect, in the form of [give details and why it backs up your case]. We advise you to pay the Dart Charge penalty within 14 days to reduce the cost of the fine to 35. I simply cannot believe this is allowed to continue, its a scandal. All rights reserved. this is so bad as no time is given whatsoever, now I will have to pay for the penalty despite already spending 5. We used the tunnel for the first time since the new system came in. The C is confusing as it can be associated with conjestion charge. The following graphic shows how this smart feature works. I didnt spot the paragraph saying I had to pay for crossings Id already made, and assumed setting up the account within 24 hours would work. Please, do someone of you know what can exactly happen to me The letter said, it was issued on 5th of Sept. The government, establishment, call it what you will is constantly taking money out of the public purse by way of taxes, fines, etc and into the private coffers. Find a quiet corner and scream very loudly we feel for you! With more than 42 years experience of providing airport parking and hotels, we know how important it is to offer impeccable service and provide products that travellers can trust. So the cycle begins again. PS Ive also set up an account 10 for future crossings, thanks, I have tried to make a one off payment & it does not accept my 2 email addresses.saying invalid email address. Dart charge penalty - Bromptonaut. This morning I received a fine and Im devastated. Received a PCN for a one way journey we made 5 MONTHS AGO! She was eventually releasedafter a 175,000 ransom . If you are unable to pay the PCN, you can contact the Dart Charge customer service team to discuss payment options. Decision: click on Start Now button It is set up for you to fail. This is not fair! the hire vehicle company also charging me 35.0 for each incident. Good luck. I grew up in Kent but in last 4 years I been in Manchester, u hired a car a few times to visit family back I Kent. www.paydartcharge.co.uk appears at the top of the Google search Appearing at the top of Google's search ranking means less online savvy Dartford Crossing users could be paying too much. Well, I can guess; they will sail through the barriers, oblivious to the implications, as I did. So I paid the 5 return charge around 4:30am, so four and a half hours late, and hoped for the best. What is a Payzone shop and where to find it? The crossing fee will be added to the Penalty Charge Notice. People cannot travel without the stress of thinking, will I get a congestion charge, a toll charge, parking ticket, overtime parking ticket etc. The hire company said im responsible for all fines, which I took to mean speeding, jumping lights etc. I wonder if possible a refund and an answer. Get back to the methods of natureand pause. Keep proof of your payment even if it was late just in case they miss it and send out a penalty charge (which should still give the 14-day option in any case). I say Whoa! You can manually top up the account or set it to add funds automatically. I have seen photographs of the sign which seems quite confusing. An Example: Suppose you received a 60 PCN parking fine. A spokesman said: The first penalty charge notice issued for any vehicle for non-payment of the charge will offer the driver an extra 14 days to pay and pay for any crossings they have made since. If they think until the parking ticket is unfair, the south ramp takes you directly to our doorstep uno. about my passing through there on 25 Sept 2015. will help us to improve it. On Wednesday I logged onto the crossing website to make the 5 payment but it was blocked as a dangerous site by the company firewall! What I cannot understand is why people are not standing up for themselves, when there are many points of incompetence and indeed it is an unjust enrichment, for what service are they truly providing? thought everything were fine but I did received penalty charge note on 19/05/2015 told me have to pay 35 and issue date 15/05/2015, this almost 3 months late, is it legal do I need to pay the charge. I think this is v unfair and I will put in a complaint. And yet they penalise us if we are unable to be on line. I just tried to pay and got the same, I tried about 10 times and it finally worked ! Too many people like you are being hounded for doing no more than the right thing. As a result, a Confirm Payment system is in place. The Highways Agency has changed the way drivers pay to use the Dartford Crossing (Dart Charge) and drivers no longer pay at the barriers, instead they pay in advance or by midnight the day after the crossing. The Notice says, you have to pay a penalty of 70 Pounds, but if you pay within 14 days, you only have to pay a reduced penalty of 35 Pounds. But midnight the next day is far too tight if one is, for example, going on holiday and has no online access whilst there. I see no other reason then a money making scam for using it to make more money in fines. Pause Prepares the Mind of the Auditor to Receive Your Message Herbert Spencer said that all the universe is in motion. Thanks very much. Chiedo se possibile un rimborso e una risposta. Pay now and it should stop the penalty being sent out. Reasons for appeal to the independent adjudicator must fall into the following: You were not the registered keeper of the vehicle when the alleged contravention occurredThe vehicle was taken without the owners consentThe owner is a vehicle hire firmThe road user charge was paid on time and as requiredNo user charge or penalty is payableThe penalty exceeded the amount that applied in the circumstancesThere has been a procedural impropriety by the charging authorityCompelling reasons, Start your appeal hereClick here for further information on starting your appeal to the independent adjudicator. eradicate the charge completely as we have paid for it via taxes and crossings hundreds of time over. My wife forgot to pay the charge until a day after the midnight deadline its her second time. When paying on-line you have to confirm the terms and conditions. We went through the crossing on holiday last week. Although it says I can pay the following day until 12am. there was chaos when we went through the tunnel northbound as a vehicle was causing a hazard in one tunnel. At least waste as much of their time as possible with phone calls and letters, after all they are wasting your time. Mainly because motorists forget to pay the toll fee on time. Their records show I had paid and this charge certificate has been sent out by mistake. Im also waiting for my receipt of payment which still hasnt arrived nearly 15 minutes after I paid it? How can I check please ? Avrei preferito pagare il doppio per il mio sbaglio (o vostro sbaglio) difficile dire di chi sia lerrore, noi del continente come facciamo a sapere che bisogna pagare un pedaggio se non ci sono segnalazioni luminose o cartelli chiari. 105 to go through the Dartford tunnel!!! I live up north too and there are 10 in my area so no excuses. Did not pay on our 1st crossing. After working in the Credit Card and Loan industry for more than a decade, Scott felt a desire to make a greater positive impact in the world. Beat